Thank you, Democrats

September 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

God bless the judiciary Democrats – they have finally found their cajones.


Booker says he understands this act comes with the possibility he will be expelled from the Senate.

“How many times are you going to say the same thing?” Says Grassley, nastily.

“Running for president is no excuse for releasing confidential documents,” says Cornyn emphatically.

Thank for reminding us that most of the country does not even know who you are, Cornyn, because you’re not terribly bright.

I am glued to the hearing, y’all.  I’ll update if anything important happens.

Hey, if you’re in Texas and want to thank Cory Booker in person, come join me and a bunch of friends to shake his hand and raise money for Texas Democrats this Saturday night.


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0 Comments to “Thank you, Democrats”

  1. Several other Democratic Senators chimed in with Booker. Hope they don’t get expelled just when we need their votes, but the Repugs have been playing dirty pool with the documents. Great to hear our guys standing up to them.
    Grassley can go to heck!


  3. Waiting for Senator Harris to both drill down and spring the trap on the little pervert. Yeah, yeah, yeah judicial appointees don’t speculate. No matter. Ask the lying little weasel about his attempt at forced birth with the young immigration detainee who sought an abortion after being raped. Anyone qualified to serve on SCOTUS should know the 14th Amendment covers reproductive rights and is a big ixnay on forced birth. Further they should be aware that the 8th Amendment covers cruel and unusual punishment which definitely covers the cruelty of forcing a teen or any woman to endure a full term pregnancy with a rapist’s baby.

    Kavanaugh’s dissenting opinion is available and the Senate Judiciary Committee should read & heed.

  4. Not surprised about Cory. Remember? He ran into a burning house to get people out.

  5. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Sen. Kamala Harris is showing what happens when a true stateswoman enters a room full of politicians. Would that we could clone her…

    Follow Cornyn on twitter to hear some real howlers. That poor snowflake is still whimpering that people aren’t being nice to BK, even though he was among those who cold-shouldered Merrick Garland. What an insufferable ass Conryn is; I sure hope we can retire him from the Senate soon.

  6. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    While Booker was being threatened during the hearing for releasing the docs, other Repubs said Booker isn’t a hero for releasing them; they are claiming they authorized the declassification of the docs at 4:30am this morning.

  7. Cornyn is a mealymouth. We have two of the most despicable Senators in the US Senate. I just hope the Texas zombies will wake up soon. JUST DO IT!

  8. Cojones is the word, “o’, not “a”:
    Borrowed from Spanish cojones, plural of cojón (“testicle”), from Vulgar Latin *coleonem, accusative of coleo (“testicle”), from cōleus (“sack, scrotum”).

    In Spanish, the word cajón (pl. cajones) refers to a box or drawer.

    It’s about time they’ve ALL stood up, at least I hope every last Democrat will stand firm for a change.
    What really pisses me off is (‘moral, family values’) Kavanaugh exploiting his young daughters on this public stage. He was one of the prime movers of the Ken Starr Clinton witch-hunt. I had 10-12 year old daughters back then who were exposed to the salacious ‘news’ that those vile SOB’s saturated the media with for months. Now the Rethugs are clutching their pearls over a little protest noise at these hearings.

    The political turmoil with this traitorous SOBOTUS is incredible, but the Rethugs are hanging tight, 90% of them still support him 100%. Roughly 35-40% of US voting age citizens are delusional and/or mentally deficient.
    Only one remedy: Outvote them (this will require an extra 5-10% just to overcome the extra Rescummie chicanery).

  9. Kavanaugh should be more worried about how he’ll explain to his young daughters why Daddy is a liar. Can you spell “perjury”, honey?

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    Booker’s brave – in your face – move might give rise to a new expression: “Doing a Full Kaepernick”.

  11. Cajones – is that the Texas spelling? 😉

  12. @Sandridge – SOBOTUS … neat acronym!

  13. Cruz is one of the most despicable creatures,ever,except Mitch and Cornyn.

    From what i am seeing of Beto that guy has more ideas ,enthusiasm, not to mention his honest,straight foward way of letting you know how he feels than anyone.

    Beto/ Cory, 2020 anyone?:)

  14. fry1laurie says:

    Booker probably will be suspended….on the day before the full Senate takes up the Kavanaugh vote. One fewer “D” to hold things up!

  15. MaryAnne, I’d add GrassAss to your Despicables list due to the way he’s made a travesty of the entire confirmation process from the moment he kissed enough asses to get that chairmanship. What we’re seeing now is just the most public iteration of his shameful behavior.

    BTW, I’d like to designate “Despicables” as a step down from “Deplorables.”

  16. Debbie, Grassley has been on my list since he cost us Single Payer, along with Leiberman and Max Baucus, turn coat Democrat. Lieberman was anything to stay in Congress, a real rat!

  17. Marjorie Wood says:

    Cornyn also used to be a Democrat. I thought he had SOME sense but the last few days he’s been pro-Trump and Cruz

    Speaking of Trump, this morning I called an old friend who lives west of Abilene. We were talking about all sorts of things, like that it’s RAINING out there and about how wonderful our kids and grandkids are. We talked about how we’d be destitute without Medicare. Yes, we agreed. Then she said she loves Trump, has since day one. I said Why? and she said he gave raises. Maybe she doesn’t read the paper either. I let all that go. I mean, she’s not changing her mind. But doesn’t she GET that Trump wants to get rid of MEDICARE? Sigh.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Marjorie Wood, Dotard45 said he’d give health care to all and replace Obamacare with something better. It’s been 20 months. Any proposals in front of Congress yet, Donnie?

    Vote! Sixty days until the midterms. Let’s take the Senate and the House to give Dotard45 a lesson in checks & balances followed by an impeachment party.

    Out of curiosity, since Dotard45 is out stumping and lying, any mention(s) of his “build a wall” and who will pay for it? And, are his faithful morons still shouting “Mexico”?
