Thank You, Dana Milbank

December 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It comes to pass that Texas Senator and Congressvarmints are still trying to impeach President Obama.

Honey, if they don’t have anything better to do they can come over to my house and fix the damn potholes in the street.  But, no.  It’s Christmas and let’s impeach Obama!

According to Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, the House Judiciary Committee met yesterday to …

Tuesday’s hearing was titled “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.” The unanimous view among Republicans was that Obama had not done his duty, and it’s true that this president has stretched the bounds of executive authority almost as much as his predecessor, whose abuses bothered Republicans much less (and Democrats much more).

They are not using the impeachment word for fear of looking batcrap crazy instead of just regular crazy.

It’s a fun article and you’ll reading it but the best line is this one …

In recent days, Rep. Steve Stockman (Tex.), one of the more exotic members of the Republican caucus, has distributed proposed Articles of Impeachment to his colleagues.  (Emphasis delightfully provided by me.)

Exotic.  I flat love that and wish I had thought of using that.

Last summer I told you a dangerous story about a local Baptist lady confusing the words exotic and erotic.  However, I do not think we have to fret about that happening when describing Steve Stockman.

Thanks to Kyle and Paul for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Dana Milbank”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Exotic … bwahahahaha! It’s cold and snowing in my part of CO and this absolutely gave me my first outloud laugh this morning!!
    If these idiots didn’t have the word impeachment to throw around, what would they have? I’ll tell you … just more of their caca de toro and they are up to their eyeballs in that bulls__t!!!

  2. These airheads have nothing better to do than waste taxpayer money butting their heads against the wall. If it’s not repealing Obamacare, it’s impeaching the President.
    They are overpaid, underworked scoundrels who deserve to be unceremoniously booted out of government.

  3. Impeachment would be a truly lovely Christmas present, but I think I’d rather they wait for my birthday, which is in July–you know, not long before the elections.

    The difference between erotic and kinky is that with erotic you use a feather–kinky, the whole chicken.

  4. Wa Skeptic says:

    Isn’t there some sort of Ethics Committee or something to censure these idiots such as was done with “Tail-gunner Joe” McCarthy???

  5. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Imagine…. a Congress that spends time working for the people. This one has been less productive than the last one, and that ain’t a great record to break.

  6. On the news this morning, they had Blake the Duckie Boy on talking about the I word. Blake is an idiot and he really did not come across as being intelligent in this hearing

  7. Wa Skeptic, would you be the LEAST bit surprised that the chairman of the U.S. House Ethics Committee is…wait for it…another Texas Republican? They’re EVERYWHERE!

    “Serving his fifth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Mike Conaway represents 29 counties in Texas’ 11th congressional district, including the cities of Midland, Odessa and San Angelo. A conservative Republican, Rep. Conaway believes in the principles of lower taxes, smaller government and a secure nation.”

    Yup. Another Tea Partier.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Texas, you have 36 critters at last count. That is way too many. You may keep any who have not said anything insane in the past 10 days. What is your count now?

  9. W. C. Peterson says:

    Will the Republicans on the House committee be wearing their white sheets and hoods when they consider impeachment?

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’m asking Santa Claus for articles of impeachment under my tree.

    When will the Republicans discover that they are in a hole? And how deep are they gonna dig?

  11. To employ a homophone (all you in-the-closet Baptists please look up the word):

    As to Stockman’s proposed Articles of Impeachment … Wholly Sh*t …

  12. Dennis Kucinich kept trying to impeach Bush, if my memory is correct. The only difference is that Kucinich was only one person and there were valid legal reasons. The wingnuts trying to impeach Obama think the Constitution means whatever they want it to mean and have NO valid legal reasons.

  13. fierywoman says:

    This is why I am sending a small donation every month to the TX Dem Party.

  14. fierywoman says:

    PS I live in WA state.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts tend to move the goalposts when you tell them that being Black,like commiting adultery is neither a high crime or misdemeanor. As with Obama’s birth certificates,nothing will satisfy these cretins.

  16. Juanita Jean says:

    fireywoman, thank you from the Texas Democratic Party! I serve on the State Democratic Executive Committee’s Finance Committee as Vice-Chair, so I can personally assure you that your money is spent wisely.

  17. Elizabeth says:

    Conway believes in the principles of corporate power, individual greed, and the security of his own bank account.

  18. In Texas, we don’t spend money on mental health or asylums; we just send all our crazies to Congress. Well, maybe not all of them; just the worst cases.

  19. Exotic? OH, cool! As in dancer?

  20. Marge Wood says:

    I believe in a smaller government too, if you want to say it that way. I WANT GOVERNMENT ELECTED, NOT BOUGHT. I don’t want corporations running the puppets in Washington or Austin. If we got rid of the corporations running the government and govt. agencies such as public schools (yes, they are, they sponsor classes and teachers), we would have a smaller government. One we elected.

  21. @JJ: If you get them to make any progress on your potholes, would you send them to me in the DFW area? Got some curb and sidewalk work I need done. As well as washing my truck. Since they refuse to spend any time, ya know, governing.

  22. Under “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”, they’ll put “Being President while black. And a Democrat.” I’m not sure they know which one they think is worse.
