Thank You, CNN

November 26, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to CNN for explaining to Donald Trump how democracy works.


Oooohhhh… busted.


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0 Comments to “Thank You, CNN”

  1. 2.24 million people watch Fox News.
    3 million more people voted for Hillary than for Trump.
    One requires you push a button, the other a trip to the polling station.
    Which group has more conviction in their beliefs?

  2. If we get nothing else from this maladministration, much higher levels of snark is certainly appreciated by me.

  3. Well said CNN. trump is an embarrassment and getting worse, if that could be possible.

  4. WA Skeptic says:

    Faux News admitted in court that they are not news, they are only entertainment.

    Benedict Arnold obviously doesn’t know the difference. If only he realized that the world knows he’s an idiot.

  5. Wow! Telling truth to power! I like it!

  6. captain dan says:

    Never realized that Faux News audience is so small!

  7. I hate to admit it, but Tweety was right. Our nation IS being very poorly represented to the outside world.

    And CNN was right, too. Representing the US to the rest of the world isn’t their job.

    The ball’s in your court, Tweety. And you’ll fumble it again. But that’s no surprise now, is it?

  8. The interesting thing to me in this exchange is the unspoken. Because CNN’s reply was awesome, 280 characters at a time. But what has to be slapped upside the head of folks who don’t read between the lines is this. Donnie F***ing Douchebag is a fascist who thinks that every institution of the Fourth Estate should be a piece of the government’s propaganda arm. Notice how I didn’t say a piece of the repugnantcan arm. He’s taken that for granted. Now that he’s been divinely ordained, all in the media who report the truth versus the message of the administration are “enemy of the people”. And yes I know that everybody in this joint gets it. Unfortunately that leaves out some folks.

  9. BOOM!

  10. Something abut hoisting and petards …

  11. Marge Wood says:

    How anyone could have voted for Trump after his first public campaign appearance is beyond me.
