Thank You, Brother Tom.

August 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When the tent revivalists get to preaching, the ground shakes and the heavens open up … with the tears of sweet Jesus.

Last week when Rick Scarborough spoke at a revival he said that if America was destroyed by a giant nuclear blast, that would be justifiable by God Hisownself.

“This thing could all come crashing down,” Scarborough warned, saying that if a “series of dirty bombs” or one massive nuclear blast were to destroy America, it would be “perfectly just … because we have squandered our grace in this country.”

Wanna know why?  Ho-mo-sex-u-als.  (You have to pronounce that word like it has ten syllables.)

1254860012_tom-delay-290And then up pops Tom DeLay with a solution.  Tom is making a living off the toils of the ignorant, which is no different than he’s done all his life.  He’s a Biblotainer – he makes money turning the Bible into entertainment.

Get this


“We’ve got to rewrite the federal government,” DeLay proclaimed. “Let’s bring Jesus Christ back into our political system and stand for him unashamedly because none of this is going to happen without God … And secondly, demand a revolution for the Constitution … let’s impose that on our political system, let’s bring it back, the way God intended it and the way God wrote it.”

I know – it’s word soup.  First he wants to re-write it and then he wants to bring back some of that old time constitution.  You know, the one written before those pesky amendments.  Except for the Second Amendment.  That one is fine.

Just think – five years from now, that will be Rick Perry on the Biblotainer circuit. There’s a never ending supply of opportunists in Texas.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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