Thank Goodness We Know Better

October 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thelma had to sit me down and explain to me why someone would want to be an internet machine hacker to send out a virus.  What’s the reward in it for them?

Thelma explained that some people just need to be mean for meanness sake.  “I thought that’s what the Republican Party is for,” interrupted Verdelia.

Thelma conceded that there’s a whole lot in common.  Like Republicans, hackers think they’re showing you that they are smarter than you are.  But they both make a mess of things.

And that’s where I saw the difference.  There’s probably a few Republicans smarter than I am, but there’s not a one of them who’s going to heaven.  However, I will admit that internet hacker are a lot smarter than I am.  Honey, I have a PC and an iPad.  I just have to pray that nobody is looking when I keep punching my PC monitor expecting it to do something.  Repeatedly.  Like a damfool.  I can hear Buck Pochek snicker about it … even when he’s not there.

What brought this up is that there’s a new virus out there that customer Star warned us about.

Yesterday, at approximately 13:00 UTC, SophosLabs began receiving the first malicious emails targeting those interested in the upcoming United States presidential election.

The subject line for this spam campaign reads “CNN Breaking News – Mitt Romney Almost President”.

When opened it appears to be a CNN news alert with today’s top stories including the leading “More than 60 percent of votes will be in favor of Mitt Romney.”

Now, normally, I would assume that’s another batcrap crazy email from batcrap crazy Uncle Lenny who is convinced that Barack Obama is the devil, Stalin, and Lindsay Lohan wrapped into one neat package and I would delete it and say a prayer for Uncle Lenny’s sanity.

But, this sucker might fool me for a minute.

It looks kinda real.  However, if I were to believe it, I would not click on the link.  Nope, I would be too damn busy packing the salon up for outsourcing to the Caymans because that’s what Romney would do.

Thanks to Star for the heads up.

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