TFG Lashes Out At de Santis?

September 19, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Attention-getting headline aside, what did Ron De Santis do to piss off TFG? He sure pissed off me and a few tens of millions of Americans over his cheap political stunt that (I agree with Juanita Jean) is a dead-ringer for human trafficking. His depravity is all there for the world to see, and for MAGAn GOPers to get the giggles over.

But that’s not what pisses off TFG. What pisses off TFG is that de Santis is stealing his schtick. After all, according to TFG, de Santis stole his idea to pack 50 Venezuelans off to Martha’s Vineyard. That was HIS idea!

Only TFG is allowed to commit felony, it seems.

And not only that, de Santis is being given applause, praise and (most importantly) the credit for this felonious act by the GQP. Only TFG can commit felonies in full view.

Next thing you know, de Santis will claim credit for TFG’s recipe for a well-done steak smothered in ketchup.

The nerve.

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