Texas, Yew Make Me Proud.

February 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m taking bets right now on the date and time that  Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman shoot each other in their quest to become the Damn Craziest Congressvarmint in Texas.

Louie is ahead right now by virtue of pure volume.  Louie has been in congress longer.

But ya gotta hand Stockman extra points for ballsy.

After inviting Ted Nugent to be his guest at the State of the Union, Stockman decides to hold himself a meeting.

Stockman’s meeting is being called ”The Fallacy of Gun Free School Zones.” He’s offered legislation repealing the federal gun free zone law that protects schools.

Coffee and donuts will be served, along with a giant tray of sizzling hypocrisy.

The meeting is being held at the Capitol Building.  The Capitol Building is a gun-free zone.  You know, to protect Stockman.

But, after drinking waaaay too much of that free coffee, Stockman want to repeal gun-free zones around schools.  Because your children are not near as important as Stockman is.

And, by the way, those of you who missed The Daily Show last night will not understand this.  See if you can find it online because Fenway Fran and I have decided that “What just happened?” is the new motto of the Texas GOP.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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