Texas Tough

June 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There are 4 horrible, invasive, and pig ignorant abortion bills facing the Texas House during the special session.  These bills will come damn close to making safe and legal abortions unavailable in Texas.

We may storm Austin.  I may need those of you who can get to Austin to come help us on Thursday evening.  I will let you know when we know more.

Meanwhile, we have a flag.

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0 Comments to “Texas Tough”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Oh, my. Now, that’s a flag! Fly it high and proud for me!

  2. Whoo! If you weren’t 15 hrs. away, I’d be there. Maybe you need one with a gun pointing out so they can understand it.

  3. I want one of those!

    Do keep us on top of what’s happening.

  4. I live in Austin. How can I help Thursday night?

  5. Hi Juanita. I’m one of the Austin women coordinating things. We do want people to storm Austin, and TESTIFY. We’re gonna filibuster this thing in the house committee. Thing is, they’re now unsure of what day, so stay tuned. Friend me on FB and you’ll receive the latest. We love you here in Austin.


  6. @ Myrna … seriously, they would NOT get it! They probably won’t even recognize what is on that flag anyway … damned idiots!

  7. ‘Course, they cannot grasp the concept that all those damn laws will end up at the Supreme Court of the U S of A and will be used for target practice. My gawd, don’t these people know how to do anything useful like create jobs?

  8. Juanita Jean says:

    Hold on. I promise to update you folks when we know exactly when we need to be there. Just stay on stand-by.

  9. Melissa says:

    Juanita Jean, YOU Absolutely Rock!

    Great Flag, but I think those jokers think that they have more rights about what used to be referred to as ‘our privates’ than we do.

  10. austinhatlady says:

    Count me in! Have tentatively blocked Thursday evening so I don’t go and schedule anything else for then, but will check back frequently for updates.

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Bet the Rs would think it was a UT longhorn.

  12. Rubymay says:

    I live way off in the Great Northwest, but will be there in spirit. Browsing my favorite progressive shopping site for a gift, I came across a button that said,”If you cut off my reproductive choice, can I cut off yours?” I wish I could buy a huge box of them and distribute them to idiots whenever I see fit. Keep fighting, JJ — my heart is with you.

  13. Dayum, that flag is pure Perfection – wish I could go!

  14. TedSouthAustin says:

    How do these bills make it into the special? I thought this was all about redistricting. Nice flag. And yes, some will mistake it for a Longhorn!

  15. BarbinDC says:

    This is the Ledge mimicking the US House: there are no bills to create jobs for the people who don’t have them (in this country, anyway) but lotsa bills to deny women any say in decisions about what, or might be, in their uteri. Who voted for these slugs, anyway? Certainly not me, nor anybody I know.

  16. Go girls!!!!

  17. Here is an option we can update from Florida. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/42440533/ns/health-womens_health/t/want-control-over-your-body-incorporate-your-uterus/

    I realize the Supreme Court says you can’t patent a gene, but can you declare ownership over your own body parts?

  18. My husband’s comment on the flag (which I badly want, by the way) “Hook ’em Horns.” Please do put it up on Cafe Press!

  19. Maybe its a UI(T) Longhorn?

  20. TexasEllen says:

    Please post time and place in Austin and I’ll be there. These ol’ boys need to quit playing doctor when they obviously missed that week in eighth grade health class.

  21. Can’t come but can send money. Where?
    I already donate to Planned Parenthood

  22. And the crying shame is the taxpayer dollars it’s gonna cost Texans, and Arizonans, and wherever damn else, to defend these indefensible laws they think are more important than creating a real jobs policy!

  23. Someone’s just going to see Ram Truck in that logo, which my friends and I always thought looked like lady bits.

    I want to know if we can ovari-fy rather than testify, since the root of testify comes from testes, meaning boy bits. Here’s one commentary concerning the verse in Genesis 24:9 where Abraham had his chief servant swear an oath to not allow Isaac to marry a Canaanite woman. http://www.taylormarshall.com/2008/10/testimony-and-testicles-oath-of.html

  24. pk scott says:

    bumper stickers please.

  25. PatinVT says:

    Gawd I hope the women of Texas rise up…watching this from the very North, Northeast has been painful. With you all in spirit!
