Texas Toast

September 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, for the past several months, some of my customers have been shaking their fingers at me, telling me that I should take Rick Perry more seriously because he could be President.

Honey, I take Rick Perry as serious as a heart attack, but apparently, so does everyone else.

Next time you get to thinking that I’m too sassy for my britches when it comes to Rick, just check out what his fellow Republicans are saying about him.  Honey, they’ve seen the temperature drop when he enters a room because he hasn’t got enough brain cells to emit heat.

Contributor Ben Howe, in a post called “I Need a Hero,” called the GOP field “a panel of damaged goods best relegated to sniping at each other or making statements that cause their staunchest allies to stare in bewilderment.”

Of Perry, Howe said: “I feel that I’ve seen what he’s made of, and it makes me sad.”

The site’s editor, Erick Erickson, also a CNN contributor, deemed Perry “a train wreck.”

I don’t buy the train wreck analogy.  Train wrecks have less damaged goods than Rick Perry.  And there’s usually something salvageable at the end.

But, here’s something I do agree with —-

“Rick Perry has not been doing all that well in these debates, and he isn’t improving,” The conservative American Spectator’s blog observed shortly after the debate ended, in a post titled, “Perry’s Awful Night.” “Perry seems to have a stamina deficit; he tends to score points early in the debate and then become lethargic to the point of incoherence later.”

Yep, they didn’t wind him up tight enough.  I mean, he’s so stiff that when he smiles, his kneecaps jiggle, but his battery ran down quicker than chained lightening.

And then this news tonight.

Baby, he’s Texas Toast.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential campaign was dealt a worrying blow Saturday when he finished in a distant second place to businessman Herman Cain in a closely watched straw poll in Florida.

He got taken to the woodshed with a Cain.  Perry got 15% to Cain’s 37%.

Babe, if you can’t beat a black man in the Republican primary, how the hell are you gonna beat Barack Obama in a general election?

Take it away, Willie.

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