Texas Style Voting

July 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have an absolute true story for you from Glen Maxey.

I see some of you rolling your eyes already but Glen provided me with documented proof so this time the story really is true. (I just say stuff like that to bother Glen.  It’s like, I dunno, my job to bother Glen.)


It’s Glen job to help Democrats.  So here’s his story in his own words.

In Texas, volunteers can be deputized to register voters. A Deputy Voter Registrar can assist a voter to fill out a voter registration application which is standardized for all counties across Texas. When they accept the card, the law requires the deputy to give the voter a receipt. This receipt is the proof that the voter registered to vote and did it outside the thirty day period before an election. If the volunteer loses the application or did something bad like tossing it in the trash because he didn’t like the persuasion of the potential voter, the newly registered voter has proof that they registered and did it in time.

Texas, being a state which places a high premium of “local control” and because it’s cheap, leaves the design, development and procurement of these receipts up to local voter officials, county by county.

Just to see what uniformity there was in receipts the Texas Democratic Party asked our interns out in rural counties to get a copy of the receipts used. Just to make sure they were giving voters correct information. Like somewhere near what the law requires.

Most are pretty good and do their job. One county states on theirs “this may not be used to vote” which is totally opposite of the function and rationale of the receipt.

Then there is this one from Van Zandt County, population 52,000, where Barack Obama got 19% of the vote.

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 3.28.07 PM


Seriously, that’s their receipt for your voter registration.

Hell, it’s a damn receipt.  Whaddya want?  Something official?  You can’t just go down to the hardware store and buy these suckers, ya know.  You gotta drive all the over to Canton to the office supply store.

It’s a damn receipt.  And think of it this way, if a poll tax ever comes back, they are that much ahead of the game.


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