Texas Stuff

March 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For those of you from foreign states, early voting in the Texas primary has been going on for two weeks and election day is tomorrow.  I’ve been kinda busy.

If you are new here and live in Fort Bend County or know someone who does, I am endorsing Sri Preston Kulkarni for Congressional District 22 and Hazel Dorine Lundy for county chair.

Okay, with that out of the way, we have great news about Texas.  This year, we doubled the early voting totals of the last non-presidential primary.  We increased our early voting by 98%.  Republicans increased their’s by 16%.  And that increase has a pony tail and ta-tas: In the GOP primary, 49% of voters are female.  In the Democratic primary, it’s 59%.

Democrats have energized people who have never voted any primary before now.  Of Texas Democratic primary voters, 24% are first time primary voters.  In my county, we have reached into new demographics by running highly qualified Asian and South Asian candidates.

It’s not time to call Texas blue yet and November is a long way away.  But, we see the light at the end of the tunnel and we are running as fast as we can.

One other thing this morning and it’s gosh-awful.  The damn DCCC is damn dumb and damn hurtful to the cause.

The Texas Congressional District 7 is the most flippable district in Texas.  A candidate named Laura Moser came back to Texas from Washington DC to run for the seat.  She’s not my favorite candidate in the race.  She’s about my 3rd or 4th favorite candidate  Come to find out, she was polling a  distant fourth until … damn DCCC.

The DCCC ran an attack ad against her on their website.

If there is one thing Democrats in Texas hate more than Republicans, it’s the DCCC.  I’ll tell you stories about that later but take my word for it right now.  Moser was able to raise a bucketload of money on that alone and got more press time than she was ever entitled to.  Now it looks like she has a decent shot to make it to the runoff on the DCCC alone.

Do not give the DCCC any money.  Do not even look them straight in the eye because that might be dangerous, too. I have been ranting against them since 2006 but it hasn’t done much good.

And there you have it.  Pray for Texas.  Every damn day.

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