Texas State Senator Dan Patrick, God, and Your Vagina

May 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Texas will now require a woman to have a sonogram prior to an abortion.  Most of it will involve this medical procedure:

You will lie down on a table with your knees bent and feet in holders called stirrups. The health care provider will place a probe, called a transducer, into the vagina. The probe is covered with a condom and a gel. The probe sends out sound waves, which reflect off body structures. A computer receives these waves and uses them to create a picture. The doctor can immediately see the picture on a nearby TV monitor.

You will not be forced to look at the image but you will be forced to listen to a description of it.  Forced.

Republican State Senator Dan Patrick praised God for allowing the State of Texas to insert a probe into your vagina.

Dan Patrick: A Disturbed Man

Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, who has tried to pass the bill in previous sessions, said the timing wasn’t right before, but that God was finally ready for passage.

“This was the time,” he said. Patrick said if only 20 percent of the women viewing the sonograms decide against an abortion, 10,000 to 15,000 lives will be saved each year.

Women can decline to view the sonogram image and hear the fetal heartbeat, but, with some exceptions, they still must hear a description of the image.

Before the bill signing Patrick called it the best bill in the country, and afterward said, “Praise the Lord.”

“The good news is through the blood of Jesus Christ he forgives, and women who have aborted children need to know that message,” Patrick said.

I am a woman of faith.  But, for the life of me, I do not believe that God wants Dan Patrick and power of the State of Texas in my vagina or forcing me to listen to anything.  It shames when other people of faith force women to do anything.  It also shames me that they would want to do something this graphically sexual to a woman.

There is something horribly sick, demented, and terribly disturbing about this.

I think Dan Patrick is the one who needs to ask for forgiveness.  That level of sanctimony makes Sweet Jesus nauseous.  I’m real certain of that.

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