Texas Speaker of the House

May 21, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He ain’t drunk, y’all.  He can lay on the ground without holding on to the grass to keep from falling off.

Speaker Dade Phelen is a doozy.

By the way, the guy posting this is a conservative Republican.



Rumor has it that Phelen might try to claim he had a mild stroke.  Well, my state representative is a practicing medical physician specializing in geriatrics.  I think he’d know a stroke.


0 Comments to “Texas Speaker of the House”

  1. Sam in Mellen says:

    I’m sure lots of alcohol helps distract all GOP congresscritters from the unholy acts they’re doing.

    Except for Dan Patrick, he’s just a mean sumbitch.

  2. eyesoars says:

    Enforced sobriety might make the laws they pass less choatic; whether they’d be any less awful seems unlikely.

  3. Lessee, is that dude called Failin’, Felon or Feelin’? Never was much good at Taxes tawk.

  4. Weakgrip says:

    Thank goodness they wouldn’t ba also carrying handguns when they are drunk. They wouldn’t be stupid enough to permit that, or would they

  5. Jill Ann says:

    Phelan isn’t even the worst of the TX Repub lege. He has occasional moments of common sense, unlike, say, Dan Patrick. Maybe the stress of working with Patrick has driven him to drink!

  6. Nick Carraway says:

    That explains a lot actually. Not everything, but a lot. I guess my difficulty with the agenda beyond the cruelty of it all is the sheer impracticality of it all. Conservatives used to be the “leave people to their own devices” party. Now, we are regulating books in libraries, what women can do with their bodies, and whether children get affirming care. With the first and the third point you have to openly wonder how many people and/or books we are talking about here. The cruelty is obviously the point, but at a certain point you have to ask how many people we are talking about here. It’s the same deal as other states wanting to fondle girls to see if they are really girls. Again, how many people are we really talking about here?

  7. I’m trying to think of what to say, but I’m speechless.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    The Bad Lip Reading guy on YouTube couldn’t have done a better job making Phelan look ridiculous.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Saw him start to reach under the lectern- thought he was reaching for his flask. LWI (vsDWI)- legislating while intoxicated- or should I say stumbling, mumbling drunk. Hope someone alerted the police when he was ready to drive home (or to his next watering hole).

  10. Oh my . . . . . . . .

  11. Sandridge says:

    So, the Rethuglikan Texass Lege gets most of its’ real stuff done down on Sixth Street and over the bridge on S. Congress Ave… yaas indeedy..

    [for non-Texans, Sixth St. is the traditional bingeing capitol of the Capitol, S. Congress is kinda the ‘congressional meeting place’, IYKWIM]

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Y’all in Texas have got to keep us informed, especially when the Republicans respond about how them liberals are bullying the poor speaker. He just has a slight speech impediment (hic) and some coordination issues.

    I just saw my old alma mater made the news: https://fortworthreport.org/2023/05/21/fort-worth-isd-investigates-ghetto-facebook-post-by-wyatt-counselor/

    Notice the racial breakdown the school. And it was a counselor who posted the pictures. While I believe the only things I learned there were how to roll a cigarette, and how to use a condom, I think I picked up enough to know not to dress ghetto for a “dress like the students” day.

  13. UmptyDump says:

    Texas lawmakers need to be required that – before legislating – they not exceed a .08% BAC.

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This is good- a crooked politician criticizing a drunken politician.


  15. Sandridge says:

    [tried to post this early this morning but kept getting a deny, appears to be the host server not liking certain of my VPNs IPs]:

    TX AG Ken Paxton [R-4thReich] is now asking Speaker Dade Phelan to resign. Phelan’s spokesperson in response ignored the request and indicated that Phelan would continue on.
    Drunk or not, it probably has little effect on what they do, which is always the wrong thing.

    While a pig fight in Austin might be fun to watch, it ain’t gonna help with running the state [the session ends soon, so we’ll have two years and an election cycle to try and repair the damage].
