Texas Republican Congressman Spends $33,000 on Hams and Chocolates And Still Can’t Get Laid

April 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I admit the headline is a tad unfair.  Texas Congressman Ralph Hall is 90 years old.  He’s got grandchildren who are older than dirt.  We have to carbon date him to figure out how many candles to put on his birthday cake every year.  The man owes Noah a dollar.

He’s on the House Science and Technology Committee.  They didn’t have science when he was growing up.  He still marvels at that new-fangled transistor radio.

Texas Rep. Ralph Hall, the oldest serving member of Congress, spent more than $33,000 in campaign funds on orders from Honey Baked Foods and Godiva Chocolatier, campaign filings show.

Federal Election Commission records show Hall’s campaign spent a total of more than $14,000 at the Honey Baked Foods company around the holidays in 2012 and 2013. The campaign spent an additional $19,000 at Godiva in December 2013.

H’s going to be in a run off with a tea party republican on May 27th.  After his opponent announced he was going to run against Hall, Hall sent him a ham.  Seriously.  There’s pictures and everything.

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Some people just won’t stay bought.  The guy still filed to run against him.

Ya know, I am not too upset about tho.  What else has the guy got to spend his campaign funds on?  It ain’t like he can see a yard sign or answer a robo call.

I kinda hope he wins again.  We need the hams.

Thanks to Fred Farklestone for the heads up.


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