Texas Redistricting at The Supremes

January 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas redistricting case goes before the Supremes this afternoon.  The very best resource in the state for this Republican created mess  is Michael Li at TxRedistricting.com

The dark side will be represented by Darth Paul Clement, former solicitor general under President George W. Bush, a blood-sucking member of the Federalist Society, and lead lawyer for Republicans in overturning Obamacare.  The Rebel Forces will be led by Jose Garza Skywalker, lead counsel for the Mexican-American Legislative Caucus and who has had some very successful experience in winning redistricting fights against the State of Texas.

Supreme Court arguments are not televised or audio broadcast live, but audio recordings of oral arguments are made available at the end of each week on the Supreme Court’s website: www.supremecourt.gov.

I’m not saying that this is important, but the future of democracy is riding on it.

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