Texas, Oh Texas

May 01, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know this is minor news on a day like today but I cannot overlook it while Lindsay Graham rambles on defending Donald Trump and pretending that there was “no collusion.”

Back in Texas, our Lt. Governor Goofy Dan Patrick called Beto O’Rourke “light in the loafers.” We all know what that means.  After Goofy Dan said it, Laura Ingraham tried to walk him back.  Goofy Dan decided “Light in the loafers” meant that he waves his arms around and isn’t very smart.



Okay, so Dan’s a guy who ran sports bars in Houston, Texas, and went belly up.  Honey, that’s hard to do. You cannot do that by accident.

I know what light in the loafers means and you can damn well bet that Dan Patrick does, too.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Texas, Oh Texas”

  1. Lunargent says:

    I’m actually surprised that Patrick constrained himself to one of the more genteel pejorative terms. I’d expect him to go with at least Sissy Boy. Or one of the many vile expressions I’m sure he has in his vocabulary.

    Musta been ‘cause he was on the TeeVee.

    Fortunately, it’s such an old expression that many younger viewers, if there are any, won’t be familiar with it. And anybody dumb enough to be a regular Patrick viewer (I know you just do it for research) will probably accept it as a phrase meaning “theatrical”.


  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    Looks like Lt. Dan has the same IQ and same business sense as both Shrub AND tRump; Can’t run a business except into the ground. Bet he made out like a bandit–literally–in bancruptcy court!

  3. Lunargent says:

    Hey, I just realized:

    According to Dan Patrick’s definition, Donald Trump is “light in the loafers”.


  4. Dan Patrick himself is somewhere between light in the head, dim bulb, or lights out.

  5. Dan is a few bricks short of a full wall.

  6. Good ole Dan. Even more quotable than Combover Quisling in that you know what he’s talking about more of the time.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Can’t say I’ve ever heard the phrase “light in the loafers.”, but I’ll guess that it’s an anti-gay slur? Beto’s family would surprised to hear that one.
    At any rate, we know why good ol’ Yankee Dan (Goeb, the fake Irishman) Patrick usually featured that old classic Chevy pickup in his campaign commercials: the old Chevy is to haul around Dan’s ever-growing load of teabaggertalibangelical bullshit.

  8. Lefting says:

    American politics is so juvenile! Name calling, put downs, blatant lies, making jokes at someone else’s expense, being racist, etc. Seems like the politicians are raised by snakes – no manners at all!! You’d think it wasn’t an important part of their culture! And yet; the American people seem to love it and vote for it and emulate it. Makes me sick. (I am Canadian).

  9. Beststash says:

    People usually call someone a name to distract from an issue or reveals their own low self-esteem. Dan Patrick is no doubt an embarrassment to Texas. Makes me wonder who would vote for someone like him?

  10. maggie says:

    Dan Patrick, one of those that can be called light information types. Also, light in the IQ.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Beststash @9: “Makes me wonder who would vote for someone like him?”
    Welp, a majority of Texass voters do. 2014 numbers from Wiki below, in 2018 Dannei dropped down from 58% to only about 51% over the Dem.
    Dem wins in TX are still an uphill climb with so many teabaggers and talibangelicals crawling around. Maybe enough people will have had enough of Comrade Donnei and the Rescummies by 2020, eh?

    Party Candidate Votes %
    Republican Dan Patrick 2,718,406 58.13%
    Democratic Leticia Van dePutte 1,810,720 38.72%
    Libertarian Robert Butler 119,581 2.55
    Green Chandra Courtney 27,651 0.59
    Majority 907,686 19.41%
    Total votes 4,676,358 100
    Turnout 33.34

  12. Lefting:
    Speaking for myself, WELCOME!!!
    Please visit as often as you like. Do you still live in Canada?
    Personally, your insight to our dilemma is welcome whether you’re there, or transplanted somewhere here in the crazy sh*tshow. Especially regarding social programs. Especially especially healthcare.

  13. I’m kind of annoyed I had to listen to that man call another man a moron. That was as distasteful to listen to as a Resident Rump Rally. Would have appreciated the shorter version.

  14. He said “light in the loafers” to Ingraham…whose brother is gay?
