Texas Oh Texas UPDATE!

June 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the Supreme Court wanted to see how Texas’ new highly restrictive abortions law under HB2 is keeping women from having abortions.

Texas had the data months ago.  So, the proper procedure would be to get a big ole envelope, print out the data, put it in the envelope, address it to the Supreme Court of the United Damn States of America, slap some stamps on that sucker and give it to the mailman.

Texas did all except the last.

The data sits in a desk drawer somewhere in the bowels of Greg Abbott’s secret survivalist bunker next to his abridged copy of the Constitution and a stack of the souls of people denied health care in Texas.

… when staffers at the state Department of Health Services finished their work and prepared to release the data, the process stalled after the numbers were submitted to the department’s legal department for final approval, the source said. Internal emails provided to The Texas Tribune show agency workers were then told the numbers were not ready to be released.

Since then, the agency has responded to requests for the numbers from reporters and interested parties by saying they have not been finalized.

Luckily, Texas has a few remaining good guys left who have’t been swallowed up by the religious rantings of white men who have all their religion in their wives’ names.

While the employee did not provide details about the 2014 statistics, the employee indicated there was a drop in every single type of procedure, including a significant drop in medication abortion, a procedure used to end early pregnancies. (Abortion providers have said drug-induced abortions dropped dramatically under HB 2 because of stricter requirements.)

The state of Texas, through its Attorney General, felony-indicted and petty thief Ken Paxton, says we don’t have those numbers for the Supremes to review.

Thelma is taking bets that the numbers will be released the day after the Supreme Court decision.

Because it’s Texas, dammit.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

UPDATE:  Damn, Boys!  It did you not one bit of good to sell your soul to the devil and lie, lie, lie.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down one of the nation’s toughest restrictions on abortion, a Texas law that women’s groups said would have forced more than three-quarters of the state’s clinics to shut down.


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