Texas Oh Texas

August 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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And he did not win the smiling guiltless mugshot lottery.




Holy cow, when your former Governor and your current Attorney General are both under felony indictment, don’t you get another star on your state flag or something?


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0 Comments to “Texas Oh Texas”

  1. SomedayGirl says:

    He looks inebriated.

  2. It looks like he’s had a stroke!

  3. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    The cat who swallowed the canary. I wonder how he’ll get treated in jail, say, in comparison to Sandra Bland.

  4. Should be archived in the facial recognition data base under ‘Arrogant Asshat’.

  5. Juanita Jean says:

    Mel, I generally don’t allow asshat because Momma will get upset. But, in all honesty, no other word quite fits right in this case. Arrogant asshat, indeed.

  6. Would you buy a used car from this guy?

  7. Cover the left side of the photo. Now cover the right side. Spooky, isn’t it?

  8. Bob Stoller says:

    Why doesn’t he get to wear the tasteful towel around his neck like EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO IS BOOKED IN COLLIN COUNTY? You know, the one that makes everyone look like a criminal? It seems that his attorney got some Republican judge to allow him to be photographed like he was just some used car salesman who happened to wander into the room by mistake. I guess the smirk on his face takes the place of the towel.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    He always looks so iffy. I wouldn’t buy homemade lemonade from him.

  10. @Bob Stoller
    I had the same question: Why no towel??

  11. That smirk. You know he is just saying to himself, “this is but a mighty mino’ inconvenience. ah will be back t’wawk in no time, an’ yo’ will all be outta job soon .”

  12. screecherguy says:

    As a child of the 60s I know that look. He’s stoned. Trust me, he is.

  13. What do you think are the chances that he’ll be convicted…and go to jail? I suppose we should be satisfied with him being tossed out of office, but, for once I’d like to see someone actually go to prison.

  14. I don’t know… don’t really care… about why he looks like he does.

    What really bothers me is…… Voters in Texas knew this guy was corrupt… and the Republican voters…..made him the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in Texas.

    So….. Is “Indicted Felon” a political requirement for election to High Office in the Lone Star State.

    Would appear that it is. It’s disgusting…. and depressing.

  15. Rhea – you got that right. Like some criminal mastermind Batman would come up against, The Spooky Schizophrenic.” Two crooks in one.

  16. Wyatt Earl says:

    I want to know: Can you hold office in Texas if you’re a convicted felon?

    And if you can be a current official and a felon, let’s get a law proposed that you can’t, and see who votes that it’s OK to have felons in charge.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    We’ll be lucky if this putz serves as much as 16 months in a Club Fed. Meanwhile the rest of us have been sentenced to a life of electioneering comedy without the laughs.

    The counts weren’t in on the 2014 results, when my e-mail was flooded with $$$ requests for 2016. Wish we could have a pre-recorded message for e-mail like we do for cellphones.

  18. Another goofy mug shot

  19. I call that a smugshot.

  20. austinhatlady says:

    Is he trying to develop a lopsided grimace in imitation of Cheney?

  21. I wouldn’t let this guy around kids. He looks like a perv.

  22. Wa Skeptic says:

    This guy really is “Two-faced”!! On the right side of his face, he’s looking down. On the left side of his face he’s looking right at the camera. At the SAME TIME!!

    Talk about being schizophrenic!

  23. What’s with the lazy eye? Did he get sick?

  24. Marcia in CO says:

    I have to agree with Someday Girl, Sharon and Screecherguy … he is drunk, had a stroke and high as a kite … maybe he took a side trip to CO for a little pot!!

  25. Linda Phipps says:

    Not CO, he got it out of the back room of the cop shop.

  26. Karen in NM says:

    What I really don’t get is why these guys (DeLay, Perry and now General Sleezy) think it is appropriate to grin like Miss America contestants for their mug shots. Not a fan of this slimeball, but it is possible that he has a condition like Bell’s Palsy, if not the aftermath of a stroke. Maybe he’s hoping he will get assigned to the slammer’s medical ward where he can use up taxpayer $$$ on treatment instead of paying his own co-pay and deductible. Does anyone have a full-on face photo taken at some other time for the sake of comparison?

  27. maryelle says:

    Smugshot! Suzanne you get the prize.

  28. Juanita Jean says:

    Karen, I was worried about that, too. And, apparently we are not alone. The Austin American Statesman had this on their website and sent it out with their “afternoon update.”


  29. All this is going straight to Hollywood for one of those satirical dramedies which will have a larger audience abroad than anyone could imagine. Such a film (noir) would probably cut immigration to this country in half!

  30. L Lester says:

    I do not understand why he can not be relieved of his official duties as our Attorney General who is supposed to uphold the law–we the taxpayer have to pay his salary while he is defending himself in court? Really? He should resign immediately. He has already informed public employess to break the law by refusing to follow the directive of the Supreme Court.

  31. Re the towel, as a longtime Hitchhikers fan I’m pretty sure Paxton is a frood who really doesn’t know where his towel is.

  32. Bob Boland says:

    So. Anyone want to venture which current or former members of the Texas Congressional delegation voted for this jerk? And which of those were frothing at the mouth about Clinton and his antics with Le Lewinsky?

  33. Apart from stroke and Bell’s paralysis (a/k/a Bell’s Palsy) a droopy eyelid can be an indication of a brain parasite. I learned that studying with a naturopath.

  34. PattiCakes says:

    Elected by (R)obots.

  35. Marge Wood says:

    When you asked re: lazy eye, it dawned on me: his lazy eye and droopy mouth are on same side. I bet he’s had a stroke.

  36. look at that smirk..what an a-hole

  37. @juanita Jean: I apologize for using the word in 4. My sincerest apologies to your Momma also. My Mom would be upset too.

    Thats the kind of smirk just pushes my buttons…regresses me right back to junior high. Sigh.

  38. lunargent says:

    Yep, his smile is just as crooked as the rest of him.

  39. I’ve been looking all over for something about it for months with no luck, but I suspect he has Bell’s palsy. As for why he’s grinning for his mugshot; that’s the look of a man who went to jail with his lawyer in one pocket and his bail money in the other.
