Texas, I Love Yew

July 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The members of the Wee Winkie Club, also known as Open Carry Texas, are a group of unfortunate looking men who parade around – legally in Texas – with long guns.  Oddly, you do not have to have a permit to carry a long gun.  You can be crazy as a brickbat and still be allowed to walk around with a shotgun or a semi-automatic weapon.

That just doesn’t seem right.

So when Open Carry Texas did one of their many open-carry events, where they parade around admiring each other’s “weapons” and attempt to scare crap out of passing cars, they were met with middle aged almost-bare-naked ladies.


It is legal to go topless in Austin, Texas, which doesn’t seem right either but does lead to far more fun than guns.


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The ladies were trying to make the point that just because something is legal doesn’t mean you ought to do it.   That reasoning, of course, went right over the head of the ammosexuals.  They referred to the ladies as “skanky topless libtards.”

I can see how they make that judgement, being as how they are all such hunka hunka burnin’ loves.

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And no skanky here at the Phi Beta Kappa event.

Open Carry March on March 12, 2014


You know what I love almost best about Texas?  We have so damn many ladies with a damn sense of humor to make up for those who have none.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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