Texas GOP Leader’s COVID Death Made the Washington Post

August 22, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Coronavirus

Last week we talked about the death of H. Scott Apley, Galveston city council representative and member of the Texas GOP executive committee from Covid-19.  Apley’s death was totally preventable, but the extreme far right activist was a loud voice against vaccines, science, and common decency.  He amplified lies about the virus and the vaccines on social media, and mocked those who wore masks and were relying on public health policy established using guidance from actual scientists.  He, his wife, and infant child all were infected.  He died 3 days after being admitted to a hospital in Galveston.

Apley’s foolishness was deadly.  Worse, his ignorance has very likely caused additional infections and possibly deaths.  The Republican party, led by the Orange Menace, has become mired in lies, reality bending, religiosity, and cruel public policy that has no reason to exist but for inflicting more cruelty.

Yesterday, the Washington Post used Apley as the perfect example of the chasm that has widened between normal people and the insanity of extreme rightwing politics.  It noted that even in the wake of his death, the Galveston County GOP was still posting bullshit about vaccines and didn’t even acknowledge how Apley died.  The madness has so engulfed the GOP that the party itself is a threat to public health and our system of government. It has truly morphed into the American version of the Taliban, and that’s not an exaggeration.

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0 Comments to “Texas GOP Leader’s COVID Death Made the Washington Post”

  1. “I’m Next, I’m Next!!!”
    Not a doctor but I play one to hide my bigotry and ignorance.
    Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is under fire after blaming Democrats for not doing more to increase COVID-19 vaccination among African Americans.

  2. And Phil Valentine died yesterday.

  3. yet another baby boomer says:

    Just a small correction El Jefe. Apley was a Dickinson city council representative. He was some Poobah of the Galveston County repubs.

    Question, should the death certificate of those who refuse vaccination for political/idiocy reasons read suicide by Covid? Calling a spade a spade…

  4. RepubAnon says:

    I can see why Republicans fight against teaching analytical thinking in schools…

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Yet another baby boomer- death because of ignorance might be more accurate. Or maybe death from brainwashing.
    Seriously, we’re at a point where the only thing that might change the paradigm of these people would be more deaths of like minded repugnanticans in their orbit, and there’s nothing now that will keep that from happening. However, even that probably won’t make them change.
    From another baby boomer

  6. “Death By Stupidity” should be on the certificate.

  7. Sam in Mellen says:

    No sympathy for a man who put his family and others in danger because of his ignorance and political ambitions.

    He thought he was smarter than science and lost. There are lots more like him that are dying or will die in the near future. Since they don’t understand Darwin they’ll never realize it’s the survival of the FITTEST, not the LOUDEST.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    I read that WaPo article. And smack dab in the middle there’s the quote:

    “Everyone already has an opinion, and it didn’t change because of Scott,” said Marco Roberts, the Houston-based chairman of the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas. In a Facebook post, he criticized those “seeking to make political points of [Apley’s] death — as if his unique and anecdotal tragedy had anything to do with public policy that affects millions.”

    I don’t expect logic, reasoning, or self-awareness from any Log Cabin Republican from Texas. But how is this different from T*** and Stephen Miller and related slime molds citing any crime committed by a Mexican immigrant as being a reason to make “public policy that affects millions”? The Republican Party is run by anecdotes, hatred, and urban legends, not policies.

    What Marco Roberts said is true. Too bad he’s unable to apply it to his own party.

  9. Nick Carraway says:

    I tend to agree that gloating is a bad look, but empathy and sympathy go only so far. I feel for his wife and surviving child, but just can’t muster much sympathy for him. I’m certainly not dancing on anyone’s grave. How anyone can avoid the obvious link between choices and outcomes is beyond me. I loved the comment that we don’t know that the outcome would be different if he made different choices. Sure. Maybe I still would have died had I not chosen to wrestle that alligator. We can’t know for sure right?

  10. I’m goddam dancing.
    That’s a good/bad look.
    Life is complicated.
