Texas Election results

July 31, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okey, Dokey. We have a few early results from Fort Bend County.

In early voting, Rick Miller is whipping Jacquie Chaumette 59 / 41 % , proving once again that the Fort Bend County Republican Party will never, ever elect a female or a minority to high public office. They’ll take your money but they will never vote for you. On the upside, that does mean that Vy Nguyen will get to run against a guy who is a lying thug. And the Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club is voting Ted Cruz over David Dewhurst 64 / 36%

I’m calling it for Ted Cruz. We have the inmates running the asylum. He’s winning by 55% now.

My friend Democrat Rose Meza Harrison will be beating Duckie Jammies Farenthal this November for the South Texas congressional seat. That’s the best news of the night for me.

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