Texas Democrats Relieved of The Pesky Task of Thinking

May 11, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Well,  Ben Barnes and Patty Murray have made their decision.


Former Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, who oversaw coalition forces in Iraq before retiring in the aftermath of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, is running for Senate in Texas as a Democrat.

Sanchez announced the decision on his Facebook page on Wednesday and will file campaign paperwork in San Antonio. Sanchez said he could “think of no better way to continue my public service” than to run for Senate in Texas.

This is great news for Democrats in Texas.  We are relieved of the pesky problem of looking for a qualified candidate for senate.  It’s been decided for us, and it’s a guy named Sanchez.  Now, wasn’t that easy?

We will be told that if we don’t vote for Sanchez in the primary, we won’t get any money from the national party and we’ll spend the entire election season as the Democratic ATM machine, with money flowing out of Texas and none, once again, coming back.  We’ll basically be extorted into supporting their candidate.

Sanchez may be a great guy.  I don’t know anything about him, other than the first two words after his name anywhere are Abu Ghraib, and those are not words I want to be reminded of every day. I have no idea where he stands on any issues.  None.  Not even a clue.

He’s not my first choice.  Lt. Col. Rick Noriega, who has never been popular with the centrist money boys but still raised $6 million on his own, is my first choice.  But, Rick will be asked to stand down and he probably will because he’s a good soldier.

I know I’m being a real witch about this, but I grow weary of Democrats losing because the losers are handpicked. I hope I have to apologize for this and say I’m wrong.  I really do.  I really, really do.

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