Texas Votes

October 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal.

If you want to run for public office in Texas, you have to submit your paperwork between November 14 – December 14, for an election that’s a year away.  Don’t ask me why that is.  Hell, I don’t know what I want to do next month, much less a year from now.

Early voting for the primaries begins February 16th and election day is March 1st.

Runoffs for the primary election are on May 24th.

EXCEPT:  maybe not.

In Texas, we are waiting for a ruling from the courts on whether or not our gerrymandered to hell and back districts are legal.

Since the litigation began in September 2011, shortly after that year’s legislative session ended, opponents of the maps have alleged that Republican lawmakers failed to create minority opportunity districts.

It was a violation of the Voting Rights Act because non-whites — particularly Hispanics — accounted for nearly 90 percent of the population growth of the past decade that allowed Texas to gain four congressional districts, they allege.

Since people can’t sign up to run for an office in a district with the boundaries being litigated, this is gonna be a damn certified goat rodeo.

If we don’t get a decision by November 14th, I am going to be one cranky woman.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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