Texas Begins Investigating Parents of Trans Children

March 01, 2022 By: Jet Harris Category: Abbott, LGBTQ+ Rights

That didn’t take long. From the NY Times:

Texas officials have begun investigating parents of transgender adolescents for possible child abuse, according to a lawsuit filed on Tuesday, after Gov. Greg Abbott directed them last week to handle certain medical treatments as possible crimes.

Among the first to be investigated was an employee of the state protective services agency who has a 16-year-old transgender child.

My Texas trans child is 15.

According to the lawsuit, the state’s investigator told the parents that the only allegation against them was that their transgender daughter might have been provided with gender-affirming health care and was “currently transitioning from male to female.”

As Mr. Abbott described in his letter, the order would mean that “all licensed professionals who have direct contact with children” would be required to report to state authorities those that they believe are receiving gender-affirming treatment, or face criminal penalties.

This puts me in a precarious position. The mama bear in me wants to hop in the car with some poster board and sharpies and head right on down to the Attorney Generals’ office and protest. I want to pick up my son and take him AWAY from here. But here is our home. Our friends, our family, our community – and it’s a great community. These people don’t want the government taking perfectly healthy, happy kids away from their parents.

Abbott wants “all licensed professionals who have direct contact with children” to report ME to child protective services. For all I know, my kid’s dentist, doctors, teachers, school administration, music teachers, even his therapist – may believe they are mandated by law to make this call. He is at school right now. I have assurance from one teacher that they would never, ever make that call. That leaves about a dozen other people who could.

When will they come to my door, demanding my son’s medical records?

What do I do, then? What if I refuse to cooperate and they take my son?



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