Texas Adds Another “Worst” to the Long List of Worsts

August 31, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Abbott, Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Voter Suppression

The Texas legislature, over long opposition by Democrats and the majority of Texans, passed the most radical voter suppression law of 2021, making Texas the worst state in the union to exercise the Constitutional right to vote.  The GOP knuckle draggers rammed through a bill that wiped out very popular voting alternatives such as drive through voting, extended voting hours, and easy vote by mail rules.  They also empowered partisan goons to intimidate voters at the polls, and criminalized mistakes an honest voter might innocently make.  In short, GOP Fuckheads pushed us back to the days of poll taxes, arbitrary voter tests, and Jim Crow laws with Jim Crow 2.0.

Zero days since Texas was a National Embarrassment, racing other Red States to the bottom.

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0 Comments to “Texas Adds Another “Worst” to the Long List of Worsts”

  1. john in denver says:

    I’m hoping some of those “reforms” may be reined in by Mark Elias & his Democracy Docket efforts.

    But for whatever is left, I do hope for equal enforcement of the law. My experience this past general election in Denver was to work hard to help people legally vote. The rules and training allowed me to help several people vote, overcoming some obstacles. I’m pretty certain those voters, especially the older ones, were on all sides of political partisanship.

    In Texas, I’d hope for insistence on making certain enforcement impacts the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural, and people of every race and ethnic group.

  2. But the 2nd Amendment is supercharged like never before so there’s that.

  3. In other words – only Repukes can vote .

  4. Nick Carraway says:

    I suppose we are defined by what we consider the be emergencies. Abbott made no bones about prioritizing this legislation. So, we know all we need to know.

  5. Texas-stan…digging itself to bottom of the ethical barrel at high speed. I wish they would build their wall around their northern boarders!!! One can always fly to Vegas!
