
December 05, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump called for “termination of the Constitution.” I think Arnold Schwarzenegger should sue.

They are having trouble getting any Republicans to disavow TFG’s statement.

Rep. David Joyce (R-Ohio) on Sunday declined to denounce former President Trump for  suggesting the termination of the Constitution’s election provisions over unfounded claims of mass electoral fraud in 2020.

Meanwhile in Iran, they abolished the Morality Police and the hijab rule is under review.

Damn, y’all.  Which direction is up?

As a sidenote, I just heard from one of my The Carolinas friends. He says while he’s thrilled that Biden wants to move the opening of the Democratic presidential primary to South Carolina, he just wants to warn us that this will certainly result in North Carolina want to open reunification plans.

Why South Carolina? Biden is president today because he got a last minute strong endorsement from Rep. Jim Clyburn. What a lovely way to say thank you!  And …. What the hell kind of chance do you think Kamala Harris would have of winning Iowa or New Hampshire?  Come on, man.


0 Comments to “Terminal”

  1. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Does ANYONE think Kamala Harris could win a nomination for President in ANY state???? Do tell…..

  2. It was pointed out as well recently (by the president?) that South Carolina is a more accurate representation of how the entire nation would vote. Being as it’s in the south, I find that rather amazing. I just checked that in 2020 it was counted as a red state, but I’m not sure of their leanings today. Sounds like it might be a bit closer to purple.

  3. coloradoblue says:

    If Iran has actually abolished the Morality Police they can just convert to Christian Nationalism and move to Florida.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    TFFG is now saying he didn’t say what he said. How many times has he said that? I’m waiting to hear “a lot of people are saying I didn’t say it”.

  5. @ AK Lynne
    South Carolina is still a solid red state, but the argument is that the democratic party in SC is a better representation of the national party than party membership in Iowa or NH. It’s a midsize population state and geographically small, so retail politics is still possible for candidates. Also, SC is an inexpensive media market, whereas to advertise in NH you have to pay for ads in Boston, which is expensive.

  6. slipstream says:

    Next: Elon Musk buys South Carolina.

  7. john in denver says:

    AlanInAustin —

    Kamala Harris did a great deal better in her first run for the Presidency than Joe Biden did in his. Or Biden’s second effort.

    Kamala Harris did better at raising money and getting into debates than EITHER of the White guys from Colorado did.

    With a first-timer’s campaign staff (many of whom were first-time in a national campaign staff themselves), she made a bunch of mistakes — not least of which was thinking popularity and press in the late summer would mean increased donations and ramping up campaign spending. Rather than hanging on with the hope that lightning would strike, she stopped campaigning — a hard choice, but one smarter than Gabbard, Booker, Yang, Tom Steyer, and Michael Bloomberg (in my opinion). If Biden withdraws and backs her, I suspect she will avoid some of the problems and be a formidable candidate.

    I’ve got no idea if she could win a nomination.

  8. slipstream says:

    I just read a newspaper article about the warning signs of possible workplace violence. The article listed:

    — Threats, intimidation tactics and vindictive behavior
    — Blowing things out of proportion; overreacting to feedback or criticism; turning comments into grudges
    — Lacks impulse control; erupts into anger or belligerence
    — Unresolved grievances that pile up
    — Applauding others who use violence to get what they want
    — Bizarre or paranoid behavior

    Does any of that remind you of a certain ex-president?

  9. “…Which direction is up?”

    At each given moment, the direction we are not going.
