Tell Me Ted, Will You Be Doing This Dead or in Jail?
Ted Nugent, the self-proclaimed “madman” who thought all it took was a haircut to clean up his image, has just put joy and happiness into the heart of every Texas Democrat.
This morning Texans opened their newspaper to see —
Honey, that was more welcome than a cold front in July.
Miller, who was the author of the fetal sonogram bill in the Texas Lege was defeated for re-election in the GOP primary. And what does a defeated diehard fetal sonogram supporter do? He runs for agriculture commissioner, of course. Rumor has it that he was going to run for Railroad Commissioner until he found out that didn’t mean he got to drive the train or blow the whistle.
Nugent calls Miller his “American blood brother.” I suspect it’s because both of them are so anxious to get into vaginas – one way or another.
Yes, I said that and I’m putting it on a campaign poster.
And please let us not forget —
Nugent has been an outspoken and inflammatory critic of President Barack Obama, even comparing him to a nazi and asserting in 2012 that he would be “dead or in jail by this time next year” if Obama were re-elected.
So we know he doesn’t keep his promises.
I should mention here that Kinky Friedman is threatening to run for Ag Commish as a Democrat on the “Cheech and Chong” platform. Kinky just spins the wheel for what office and what political party he runs on every year.
Thanks to Carol and Kyle for the heads up.