Ted! Ted! The Voices In Your Head!

April 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz claims that he lobbied John McCain to allow the military to carry guns while on base.

TedCruz:CatThoughts_2John McCain says that Ted Cruz is playing with his imaginary friends again.

McCain claims it never happened.

“You know, I was fascinated to hear that because I haven’t heard a thing about it from him. Nor has my staff heard from his staff,” a jovial McCain told reporters late Monday. “Where did that come from? I have not a clue.”

Uh oh.

So the next day, Ted says he had “misspoken and later formally sent a letter to McCain asking the chairman to look into the topic.”

Misspoken.  Yes, misspoken is a new word for lied my butt off to try to make myself look relevant.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ted! Ted! The Voices In Your Head!”

  1. Whenever you hear the phrase “Ted Cruz claims,” be prepared for either an outright lie or a gross distortion of the truth.

  2. It’s hard to tell with those two on most things – one is senile and the other delusional.

  3. maryelle says:

    The apparent third party in this “love” triangle is Lindsey Graham, who runs the personnel subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee. McCain deferred to Graham on Cruz’ idea and Graham thinks it’s good idea. A good idea, when military suicides occur every day! Yes, there are other ways to accomplish suicide, but why make it easier? Put those three in a boat and set it afloat.

  4. I’m watching The West Wing on Netflix and the episode I watched last night exposed a tactic that might be at play here. That is, announcing the result of a decision that another person would have to make in order to force them to decide in that way. But is Ted really smart enough to pull that off or just stupid?

  5. Ted Cruz has obviously alienated the senior Senators of his own party. John McCain wanted to embarrass Cruz or he could have given a more diplomatic answer.

  6. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    If Ted Cruz “mis-spoke” in this instance, does he also give “mis-speeches” generally? I mean, other than the mis-speeches he gives on the Senate floor?

  7. I can just see it now: all the voices in his head are playing with all the toys in his head. Expect more non sequitur from this guy, but then, hey that’s neither a secret or a surprise.

  8. daChipster says:

    Catholics don’t take Daniel and Revelation and all this “End Times” BS seriously, probably because most of the apocalyptic eschatology floating around America’s religious cesspools was invented in the 19th Century, and the Church had outgrown that. Once you view the Bible as inspired rather than inerrant, a lot of this Christian Identity foofaraw disappears.

    But on the off-chance that some version of it is all true, somebody should seriously take a look at casting Ted Baxter Cruz as the anti-Christ.

  9. The quote this exchange reminded me of was “The difference between a neurotic, a psychotic, and a psychiatrist. The neurotic builds castles in the sky, the psychotic lives in them and the psychiatrist collects the rent.” So we have the t-party base in general building castles in the sky, those they elect moving in to their castles and maybe the Kochs collecting the rents?

  10. Mary Beth Hilburn says:

    Every time we get a new “Tedtalk” we all get inspired. Just feel the glow from every word.

  11. Hang on, the military can’t carry guns on base? Is that because carrying guns is dangerous? So how come every impulsive idiot who can afford a gun is supposed to be allowed to carry them every damn place they go, including Walmart, bars, and church?

    I’m not supposed to be hitting my forehead on the keyboard. I’m supposed to be making other people hit their heads on their keyboards. This week it’s just not working.

  12. Jim Caiella says:

    I thought your thanks was particularly ironic in that Cruz certainly has his head up his…

  13. Rhea, remember the massacre at the fort in Texas by a demented military Psychiatrist (no less!). He snuck his in. His victims were unarmed as per regulations. Some of the people escaping the gunfire had to run and get a weapon. As for open carry laws, if military want to open carry off base, they likely could.

  14. Time to invest in bullet-proof bodysuits, while the moron brigade marches on.

  15. Katy Anders – Do you really think that Rafael “TeddyBear” Cruz cares what the senior leadership of the Senate thinks about him? He’s one of those ‘new generation’ Senators, who thinks that creating working relationships and friendships is for the birds. No, he’s there to create as much havoc as he can, and by Gods, he’s doing an excellent job of it.

    Now, if only he’d do the job he was sent to do, which is represent the citizens of Texas… oh, my bad, he’s already doing that as well.

  16. Rhea – Oddly, the reason why guns are banned from being carried around on bases is because the military wanted to present an environment where the average military person and their family can move around without feeling threatened. The last thing you’d want is someone who was extremely trigger happy from his last SpecOps mission deciding that Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes is a threat… and pulling out his 9mm to shoot her and anyone else around him.

    Of course, good old Perry would rather the military folks suffer the same threats that everyone else suffers from… never mind the obvious solutions, oh no, that’d violate some gun nut’s right to display his paranoia to everyone else.

  17. Whoops… I meant Cruz, not Perry… not that there’s much difference between the two.

  18. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Lovely photo for the topic. Thank you.

  19. I spoke to a WWII vet some years ago. He had been a part of one the Pacific island battles. Before the soldiers entered their combat transport landing craft, their rifles were taken away from them. I said, “You had to enter enemy territory unarmed?”

    He said “yup, right up until we got there. Otherwise we would have shot each other before we landed on the beach. Too many men crammed into too small a boat.”

    The quarters on a military base are not as restrictive, but the concept is the same. There are too many people who just rub each other the wrong way. But Ted Cruz never lived on a military base, did he?

  20. Corinne Sabo says:

    Cruz doesn’t show up for his current job and wants a promotion?

  21. Micr — I believe you’re right! Thanks for the analogy — I’ll be stealing that.

  22. maryelle says:

    Ray in Jerrytown, Cruz can’t hold a candle to Aaron Sorkin in the brains department. Sorkin wrote most of the first four years of the West Wing and did a masterful job. Loved that show!
