Ted Nugent

March 26, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not believe Ted Nugent owns a mirror.

He was the major “talent” to come speak at The Former Guy’s rally.  He called Ukraine President Zelensky a “homosexual weirdo” only because that was the worst damn thing he could think of.

Ammosexual Inteligencia

I don’t think Zelensky is homosexual because if he were, Glen would be drooling over him instead of me.  On just a personal note, it kinda would matter to me because I think he’s a hunka hunka burnin’ love and I hate losing men to Glen.

Anyway, when “homosexual weirdo” is the worst insult you know, you’ve been hanging out with TFG way too long.


0 Comments to “Ted Nugent”

  1. I guess we’re both (all of us?) are in love with Zelenskyy. Ted Nugent, on the other hand, would be better suited to clean a toilet with.

  2. Wait a minute. On April 17, 2012, the Noodge promised that if President Obama was re-elected, The Noodge would be “dead or in jail.” It’s not to late for this POS to keep his promise. Since he always seems to shoot himself in the foot with his mouth, perhaps he can figure out a way to shoot himself with his own bow?

  3. Did most of Texas politicians duck the Waco thing or did TFG uninvite them.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Maybe nutty ted N can be trumpf’s running mate. As Politico reported, it was “Wacko in Waco”. I also read that Texas’ own Dan Patrick picked the location for TFFG and said it had nothing to do with the anniversary of the branch davidian siege. Sure it didn’t. This whole thing should blow up the repugnantican party but instead, politicians are falling all over themselves to get back in the orange felon’s favor.

  5. Ah, yes. Dissing the most admired leader in the entire world. Keep it up, Rethugs! That’ll hurry you into the dustbin of history in a New York minute!

  6. Q: What’s 80 feet long and has 12 teeth?
    A: The front row at a Ted Nugent concert.

  7. I’m not a doctor, but I’m guessing Ted has long cat scratch fever.

  8. RepubAnon says:

    Ted’s the only one who paid Trumpovitch for the privilege of appearing

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    No Soros reference? Ted’s been out of the rotation for too long.

  10. Somebody oughta show little teddie a picture of Olena Zelenska.
    Also, I’m ashamed to admit that I and the guys I hung out with would call someone a “homo” if we wanted to disparage them.
    At least that’s the way I remember it.
    I was in the sixth grade at the time.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Oh boy, a double dudder of losers, the ‘Motor City Madman’ and the ‘New York Scammer&Whiner’ on the same bill in Whacko, Texass.
    Both of these draft-dodging sonsabitches should be behind some big gray steel bars, and getting peanuts thrown at them, or urinated on…

    There were a reasonable number of MAGAots that came out to see these pervs, may they all catch COVID.

  12. I’m going on 80. The nastiest word we had in grade school was sissy. We probably never heard the term homo until the 60s. Still not very proud of picking on boys that didn’t fit, no matter the slur.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Forgot to mention that Nugent lives in/near Waco, which might have been a major factor in Komrade Donnei dropping in there for his Klan rally.

    Y’all might find some interesting local McClellan County property owners on this website… with some homes and land worth $4M+.. :

  14. Katherine says:

    Here in Alabama, ‘Trashy’ is about the nastiest thing you can call someone.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    That picture on the album cover above is absolutely perfect to be the face of today’s repugnantican party. Ted NUTgent, in my opinion, had a little too much acid in the 60’s-70’s. His brain is forever warped. Oh, and you know what projection means. He’s really in the closet, which is fine, but to use homophobia like a schoolyard bully is a dead giveaway.

  16. Steve @ 15
    I did way more than my share of acid back then, starting when it was still legal, and it didn’t turn me into an asshole like Ted.

  17. thatotherjean says:

    Ah, yes–“Cat Scratch Fever.” That was the only thing Ted Nugent ever said or did that was worth listening to. The rest of his life has been a total waste.

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Mike, he probably did much more and longer. Just speculating mind you. I had friends in college (68-74) that also used and moved on, but I also had friends that didn’t (move on).
    I can honestly say I didn’t (use), but I should probably drop this idea. NUTgent has serious problems, whatever caused it.

  19. Sandridge says:

    Hey guys, Nugent’s a total brainwarped asshole and whatever, but one thing that he’s notable for is being about the only R&R artist who DIDN’T do drugs and alcohol [underage girls yeah].
    Turd Nuug has been outspoken about the topic, and wrote and organized groups against d&a.

    “…in the 1970s when he was the only major rock star to publicly eschew drug use: “[We] would read about the Nuge and the thing that really rubbed off on us was the fact that he didn’t drink or smoke or do drugs … [Nugent’s performance] was the craziest thing we’d ever seen onstage and here’s this guy saying, ‘I don’t get high.’ We thought that was so impressive.”[75] “

  20. Sandridge @19
    I don’t know if he was on anything the day he got the crap beat out him backstage at the Armadillo by Security when they caught him crapping into the bean pot because he didn’t like the beans. After the show the whole staff went into the office and said we never want to see him play here again.
    I worked there from about 76 to 80 when it closed and hung out there for 2 years before that. This happened about 71 or so.

  21. Theodore is just a tart .

  22. Jill Ann says:

    Ashamed that Nugent is from my hometown of Detroit. Yet another guy unworthy of the name “Ted”, which was the name of my beloved dad. You can guess the other unworthy Ted I’m referring to

  23. Ex-guv Huckabee and the Nugent use to pair up with guitars once in a while. Still trying to figure out what that tells me.

  24. what??? eight kids with 7 different females is not exactly a moral thing, but TFI set a shameful example….

  25. I think the big story out of Waco is the following, from Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter this morning:


    “…the danger to democracy at home was crystal clear last night, as former president Trump held a rally in Waco, Texas, where in 1993 a 51-day government siege of the headquarters of a religious cult gave birth to the modern anti-government militia movement. Since then, Waco has been a touchstone for violent attacks on the government. There, last night, Trump stood on stage with his hand over his heart while loudspeakers played not the national anthem but a song recorded by January 6 insurrectionists. Footage from the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol played on a screen behind him.”

    I was so mad after I read that, I was spitting nails. How the hell does this guy get away with that?

  26. Steve from Beaverton, you gave me my first snort/laugh of the morning. Running mate, indeed! Thanks.

    And you know, probably many of us of that era thoughtlessly said derogatory things about gay and black people. I’m still ashamed of some of the things I remember from my teens and early 20’s. I worked at a real estate office in southern Michigan, and to this day I hate that my boss inforced redlining. It would be nice if we had “do-overs”, but at least we can learn from and try to make up for our mistakes.

  27. G Foresight says:

    “Politicians are always tempted to pander, but rarely do you see such a complete abdication of anything approaching true moral or political leadership as what transpired at the Waco rally.”

    “I didn’t see a single true leader on Trump’s stage, not even Trump himself. I saw a collection of followers, each vying for the affection of the real power in Waco, the coddled populist mob.” — David French, op-ed NYT

