Ted Needs Your Help

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is the top part of something I got in the email hopper today.  Click the little one to get the big one.

Screen Shot 2014-02-10 at 5.23.20 PM

Ted Cruz wants you to wish Sarah Palin a Happy Birthday.  Right here.


I need to do some kind of warning thing here.  If yu clic that, turn down your song because they found some gawdawful singer to sing Happy Birthday to Sarah.  I mean, really awful.

And I have a question.

Can she still be called Governor?  That doesn’t seem right.  She quit.  That would be like quitting Miss America but still making people call you Miss America.  See, I don’t even think the Pope who quit should get to be called Pope.  There’s only supposed to be one of them and you quit, Turkey.  Quitters never win.





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0 Comments to “Ted Needs Your Help”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmerts, Oy and Eh! The Scammer of Scottdale and Ted Canuck both need return flights north.

  2. So help me, those two belong to the Northern Lights version of the Duck Dynasty “reality” show!

  3. Wouldn’t it be loverly if Ted emulated Sarah and quit mid-term? Oh, how I enjoy my fantasies.

  4. Sister Artemis says:

    That’s a great graphic!
    (the love story one)

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Grumpy John McGrampy “thought” bubble: “Oh great. The wacko bird wants me to say something nice about the dodo bird.”

  6. There IS a chance I would “wish” birthday greetings on caribou Barbie. Of course to force me to do that might require flying monkeys and a quantity of popular 1960s era hallucinogenics. Just sayin’,

  7. Sounded like Michele Bachmann singing. Her voice is as beautiful and as full as her mind. (snark)

  8. Rubymay: Maybe one of his 1% sponsors will need a lobbyist at a wage he can’t refuse. Probably better than what we’re getting now, anyway.

  9. Did anybody send a fake message from a fake fan with some real sentiments? I was tempted…

  10. “Our nation is so much better for having her voice in the arena.”

    Excuse me, I had to take time out for the dry heaves. The reason they’re dry is that I read “one of America’s greatest patriots” first and lost my lunch at that point.

  11. You should see the email reply I got from that bozo Cruz on his stance to Citizens Untited. Made me wanna puke. “Free Speech … blah, blah, blah”.

    I dream about that jerkweed getting voted out.

  12. Is Ted the head of “She PAC?”

  13. Bernard Terway says:

    Thanks a lot for screwing up my morning. I usually look at a few news headlines and then meander on over to read your comments. I don’t know if I will recover all day today after seeing this!

  14. That video was sooo hard to take, especially McCain’s good wishes, when you know he hates her guts for tanking his campaign.

    Time to re-watch the movie Game Change.

  15. Gawd, I had just settled in with a nice bowl of oatmeal, clicked on your site and saw a picture of those two. She had to have been hatched, not born and there is no such thing as happy hatch day.

  16. If you sing Happy Birthday to someone in a public forum, don’t you have to pay royalties? In this case perhaps royalties charged per view? If that would happen to be the case, I’m going to click play on that sucker a whole lot of times, to help try and ‘break’ the ‘pac’!

  17. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Ted Cruz makes me ill. Really.
