Ted Cruz Trusts No One in the World. The Feeling is Mutual.

May 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senatecreep Ted Cruz says he didn’t go to Washington DeeCee to be liked.  Truth be known, that’s just something he says because nobody likes him.

He made an odd announcement the other day.  Even odd for Ted Cruz.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz made a remarkable admission on the floor of the U.S. Senate Wednesday, admitting in a dispute with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) that not only does he not trust Democrats, he doesn’t trust Republicans, either.

Now I’m not going to disagree with him that I don’t trust the Republicans.  However, we might part ways on the order of the list of Republicans I don’t trust.

1.  Ted Cruz
2.  Richard Nixon
3.  Attila the Hun

And Nixon is a distant second.

I have no idea why Cruz doesn’t form his own party, the neogoofballs.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ted Cruz Trusts No One in the World. The Feeling is Mutual.”

  1. I’m sure the distinguished ‘junior’ Senator from the State of Texas will make a wonderful addition to the GOP primary contest, along with Gov. Rick Perry, for the 2016 presidential campaign. I look forward to the debates for probably the best comedy entertainment in years.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Cruz is certainly not trustworthy, but you have to give him one thing; he certainly is predictable.

  3. How much money did those untrustworthy republicans donate to Mr. Rafael Cruz?????

    I wonder what they are thinking now?

    Cruz/Palin 2016? The party of no republicans and lame stream media.

  4. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    If he won’t work with anyone, he won’t get anything done.
    If he won’t compromise a little then he is just a wanna be dictator.
    Why is he even in government? Oh yea, the paycheck and healthcare package.

  5. Elise Von Holten says:

    Where is his birth certificate…?
    Is this a secret Plot by a foreign country to take over our country? Eh?
    Just saying…
    Dang foreigners…coming here and imposing Tea parties on us, I think we should throw the tea into the harbor and get back to the “business of America– is business”, if I remember the quote–in short where are the infrastructure jobs? Our WPA? Anything useful at all?
    Cruz needs a net and a few jolts to his brain, his paranoia is scary…

  6. maryelle says:

    Teddy, boy, I’m sure the feeling is mutual. Everyone, including your own party members, is sick of your over-zealous grandstanding. Due to your sociopathic mindset, you are unable to see anyone’s view but your own.
    Maybe you should drop out of the Senate to prepare for your presidential run. Please God.

  7. I’d call Ted a self loather but we all know he loves himself even more when he belches crazy while crawling around on his belly like serpent. No offense to serpents meant, of course.

  8. The Tedster’s birth certificate is Canadian.

  9. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    Please don’t pick on Attila. At least he got things done!

  10. Lord, I hope we’re not stupid enough to send that idiot back again.

  11. TexasEllen says:

    Carnival Cruz thinks “Lord it’s hard to be humble…” was written to be his theme song.

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I don’t trust Republicans either. But I think my reason is polar opposite to the T.X.Cruzer’s. I don’t trust them because I know that they won’t change. Cruzer doesn’t trust them because he thinks they might come to their senses.

  13. If you had a co-worker who said he didn’t come to work to be liked, and he didn’t trust anyone else at the company, I would guess his days at that job would be numbered. If you saw a guy out on the street corner talking loud, and saying the things Cruz says on the floor of the Senate, it probably wouldn’t be long before he was hauled off for observation.

  14. Lorraine in Spring says:


    You’re on to something here. We know there’s a doctor’s office in the Capitol building. The doctor should attend the floor speeches to hear the crazzzy right from this horses azz, err, mouth. Then take appropriate action. If Calgary (that’s in Canada for you TPers) Cruz keeps spewing the crazzzy, the medical community should intervene.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Why doesn’t he form his own party? Give him time.

  16. Somebody in the Republican Party with some seniority in the Senate finally must have just up and told him to sit down and shut up.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    I think you insulted Attilla the Hun.

  18. It’s difficult to trust others to know and do the right thing when you don’t trust yourself to know and do the right thing.

  19. RepubAnon says:

    Somebody must have told Mr. Cruz that in order to run for President, he needed to be viewed as moving to the center. Alas, Mr. Cruz thought they meant the center of Lunatic Lane.

  20. UmptyDump says:

    Ted Cruz is a striking example of a form of narcissistic personality disorder. His problem is more clinical than political. One has.to wonder about what bubbles up in his subconscious and how much pain and suffering his behavior inflicts on his family members. Untreated, sooner or later he is likely to reach a day of public and private reckoning.
