Ted Cruz: Texas’ Answer To Mental Health Awareness

March 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a Republican guy running for United States Senate who is purposely insane.  I know that’s a hard concept, but here’s the deal:  he acts crazy on purpose because that’s what gets elected in Texas.

I’ve heard that the tea party kicked him out for being too rightwing extreme, but that’s only a rumor.  Personally, I think even General Francisco Franco finds Ted Cruz to be a little crazy rightwing.

On Cruz’s website, he scares the beejeebers out of the rightwingers by telling them about Agenda 21, with George Soros and the United Nations coming to take their land!

Agenda 21 attempts to abolish “unsustainable” environments, including golf courses, grazing pastures, and paved roads. It hopes to leave mother earth’s surface unscratched by mankind. . . . Agenda 21 subverts liberty, our property rights, and our sovereignty.

Holy sandtrap!  That even scares me!

Truth be known, Agenda 21 is a twenty year old non binding resolution signed by 178 nations and even by us during the Bush administration.  I have no idea what George Soros has to do with it except that by all accounts he was alive when it was signed.

Just wait until Cruz hears about Agenda 22, written by Jane Fonda, Janet Reno and Sonia Sotomayor and enforced by Fidel Castro to require all Republican candidates to have their winkies measured in public and if their IQs aren’t higher than the inches, they cannot run for Senate.

Thanks to Stephen, Ralph, Deb, and David for the heads-up!

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