Ted Cruz: Making Mitt Romney Look Like a Man of Abiding Convictions

August 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The GOP nominee for the Texas Senate seat being vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison makes bologna look pure.  Ted Cruz is an opportunistic self-promoter with absolutely no moral center and the ethics of a tomcat.  And those are his good points.

Dana Milbank had an opportunity to meet Ted Cruz and came away with his Bullcorn Detector red lining.

Milbank is hoping that Cruz is just scamming the Tea party to get them to vote for him, and offers up this thought —

Maybe I’m kidding myself, but I prefer to believe Cruz is playing the tea party for his own gain. The Senate can tolerate an operator more easily than another ideologue.

The problem with that is that Cruz needs the Tea Party to be re-elected so he will vote their way and scream their soundbites and dig his heels in and pride himself on being Louie Gohmert’s voice in the Senate.

It doesn’t matter if he believes that crap or not.  He will vote that crap.

And every single time Ted Cruz opens his mouth the crazy meter gets a jolt.

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