Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz Are Sitting in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

August 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hammer, meet nail.

The Washington Post wonders, “How smart is Ted Cruz?” and comes to the conclusion of … that depends.

The most interesting observation is this one.

Cruz is emblematic of a group of conservative hucksters peddling outrage and paranoia who contend that the strength of the political resistance they generate is equivalent to their own importance, and that one dramatic, losing standoff after another is the pinnacle of political success. Alas, they confuse their own fame with achievement and divisiveness with progress.

I agree.  Ted Cruz does not want to be President.  He wants to be a rock star.

He would rather be Sarah Palin than Ronald Reagan.  And that is because he doesn’t know how to be Ronald Reagan.  Look, he was a debate nerd.  He has zero social skills.  He walked around the women’s dorm wearing a paisley robe, which he thought was sophisticated, hoping like hell to get laid and shocked that the women didn’t swoon.  But he did it again the next night because he didn’t know what else to do.

Like Sarah Palin, he’s a one trick pony.

He will run for President, fall flat on his face, and never understand what he did wrong.  He will blame it on a liberal conspiracy because he can never find himself at fault.  (It wasn’t the creepiness of the paisley robe, it was because girls are stupid.)

The Post concludes —

Cruz is not the guy to build the party or a governing majority (which requires moderate Republicans). But he is just the person to build up Ted Cruz. In fact, he is masterful.

Ted Cruz thinks he’s the only rooster in the barnyard.

If I say it’s Christmas, you better go buy some little twinkling lights and I say that Ted Cruz is just one move away from tight pants and a Mylie Cyrus dance.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

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