TaxMasters TaxDisaster UPDATED

August 29, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It seems that the Houston based corporation, TaxMaster, has had better days.

HOUSTON — TaxMasters Inc. (OTC: TAXS) has agreed to pay $500,000 to settle fraud charges pressed by Minnesota’s attorney general without accepting admission of liability.

The Houston-based company, which assists people in resolving tax problems with the Internal Revenue Service , was accused last December of falsely claiming in TV advertisements that it could reduce individuals’ tax debt by up to 90 percent, and for collecting upfront fees of up to $8,000.

TaxMasters disclosed in an SEC filing that its agreement with Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson to pay the $500,000 over 28 months, settling all claims, was approved by a court.

And in case you’re wondering if the Texas Attorney General will follow suit, I seriously doubt it.

You see, we know how pay to play works here.  Click here and scroll to the bottom to see who’s being paid.

And how much of that money has been donated to charity?  $0.00, that’s how much.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads-up.

UPDATED:  Alfredo found that the President of TaxMasters, Patrick Cox, has become pretty good at fidgeting with his name to make more contributions.

Lookie who is showing up now —

Cox, Patrick Taxmasters Texans For Rick Perry, $ 50,000.00 02/15/2010 444658
Cox, Patrick Texans For Rick Perry, $ 23,500.00 02/24/2010 445316
Cox, Patrick Taxmasters Texans For Rick Perry, $ 23,500.00 02/24/2010 457981

That’s $97,000 from a dude who freely pays a $500,000  fine for fraud.

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