
March 22, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Sumbitches


Do you know what is not quite, but almost, better than getting health care for 32 million Americans and helping close the  prescription drug loophole on Medicare?

“Watching the hang dog Republicans suck on bitter, that’s what!” Juanita exclaims.

“All morning long, I have distinctly heard the sound of an empty cup being banged on a high chair tray, over and over, and over…..”

“I saw John Cornyn on teevee this morning saying that it ain’t over yet.  Well, that might be true if John thinks that a pile of dumb can stop a freight train,” Juanita chuckles.  “And trust me on this, John can supply all that dumb on his own.”

“Then there’s John McCain whimpering that he’s ‘repulsed by all the euphoria‘ over the bill’s passage.  Damn, this is a man who was not repulsed by Sara Palin being unable to name the three branches of government, but is almost merrily repulsed by people not dropping dead because they can’t get health care.  Can get get an adjustment on his Repulse-o-Meter?”

“I was watching the debate yesterday when that creepy Michele Bachman was rattling on in that voice of hers that sounds like a teaspoon in the garbage disposal about how Barack Obama is setting up interment camps with Janet Reno’s black helicopters and little alien children from Kenya or something, when my phone rings and Bev Carter, publisher of the Fort Bend Star newspaper, doesn’t even bother with hellos.  She just shouts out, ‘Doesn’t that Michele Bachman just make you want to upchuck?'”


“And those of us raised in the Southern Baptist church did not miss the subtext of the GOP’s new website – Fire Pelosi.  They are not going to wait for Armageddon, dammit.”

The site also asks you to “Tweet firebomb” – a sort of version of spamming your friends – using the hashtag #FirePelosi to try to gain growing support for the movement.

“I’m kinda enjoying this.  And they’ll owe us more, too, because when they give themselves heart attacks, we’ll give them health care.  I’ll betcha a pair of pink boots that that’ll piss them off even more!”

Juanita says that you should hug a Republican today for entertaining us so much!

UPDATED:  My friend Kary sent a better graphic —







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