Taking The Hoo Out of Hoochy
Just when you start thinking that something just has to be satire, it ain’t.
Y’all, we’ve been caught. You have to turn in your liberal all-purpose protest sign.
On Tuesday’s edition of the Family Research Council’s “Washington Watch” program, Religious Right activist and rabbi Daniel Lapin repeated his bizarre claim that liberals are sexually attracted to radical Islam. Lapin told FRC President Tony Perkins that there is a “sexual dimension” to liberals’ supposed love for Islamic extremism, claiming “effeminate” liberals are sexually attracted to the “masculinity” of Islamic fundamentalism and are experiencing “Stockholm Syndrome.”
Well, there ya go. They caught us.
Now I’m gonna figure out how I can prove that Rabbi Daniel Lapin is sexually attracted to Ted Cruz. It’s just gotta be.
Is there any issue that Republicans can’t link to sex?
1These people are really damaged, aren’t they?
2I wish being a liberal (or, so I hear, gay) had as much to do with sex as rwnjs think it does. If there’s anybody who can’t get their mind out of other peoples’ underwear, it’s those buffoons.
3Merry, yes there is one issue Republicans don’t link to sex – education. They definitely abstain from education, sex education in particular.
In today’s “who knew” column, my wife has secret fantasies. I’ll dress up as a jihadist and climb through a window to surprise her tonight. Thanks, Rabbi Dan!
4Merry, I’m just astonished that the guy didn’t work in an anti-abortion theme. The radical right seems to be able to link that to anything.
5You know those rwnj types love the “strict father” image and they are masterful at accusing the other side of what they do theirownselves…just saying…
6How does he know?
7I can’t help it: whenever I hear the words “Fertile Crescent”…….
8Methinks the rabbi’s yarmulke is on too tight.
9I’ve heard of the xtian LIARS4jesus says stupid things, but who would a rabbi lie for??? His gawd is so stupid he can be fooled into thinking a string defines a house.
10“… sexually attracted to radical Islam…”? How many ways can such a statement be wrong, wrong as in “in error”? Good grief.
11Oy vey! A mensch this guy is not!!
Rabbi, or RABBIT?
13Beyond the nonsense about sexIslam in the guy’s statement, his claim in the linked text that “a 30- or 40-year epidemic of leftism … has swept its sordid stain across America” is also laughable. I mean, he thinks there have only been leftists during his lifetime–the period of time that saw the rise of Reagan, Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Norquist, etc.? Sheesh, hasn’t he ever heard of the “Red Thirties” or, for pete friggin’ sake, the Progressive Era?
14An epidemic of leftism sweeping across America? In my dreams!
15Proof, once more, that religious stupidity knows no bounds.
16PKM, LOL!!
Let us know how she responds, if you’re still alive.
As for myself, those desires of mine are even hidden from me. But not, of course, from Rabbit Lapin.
17Rabbi or not, that putz is mashugana.
18Marion (formerly known as MM), without a doubt everyone here has a few ideas along the “what possibly could go wrong” spectrum of that scenario. My expectation was something like this:
19“Now I’m gonna figure out how I can prove that Rabbi Daniel Lapin is sexually attracted to Ted Cruz. It’s just gotta be.”
20Please ask your writ twit if they’ll take my claim for Infliction of Emotional Distress for putting this image in my head. Not enough brain bleach in the world.
I guess I’m not a leftist then. Thank God for that. Sometimes what they say is stupid but you can trace the dots. There isn’t a road map for this one folks.
21Sounds like Rabbi Rabbit is divulging his most secret dreams to us. But why?
22This rabid rabbi must have the world’s largest cojones. Tell him to spit them out,they don’t belong to him.
23Scott-it is the same formula wingnuts use to gerrymander Dems off the political map.
24That formula makes sense in a perverse way (which is what I was saying). These statements are the drivel of a deranged lunatic. Heck, I think I just insulted deranged lunatics.
25He may take the hoo out of hoochy, but he sure put plenty of it in his hooey.
26Let me get this straight – this yutz, with his tentative little smirk and his hunched shoulders, is calling somebody else “effeminate?”
27T2PT-Not only is his yarmulke too tight I think it’s possibly made from aluminum foil and isn’t working.
28E2- it’s not just this jewish sky pilot yutz but look at a picture of Tony Perkins. If he’s not “effeminate ,no one is.
IronCelt: the Socialist Party in America was created in 1901, and Sinclair Lewis’ “The Jungle” was first serialized in newspapers in 1905. This guy is a few scrolls short of a Torah.
29Upton Sinclair, not the other guy, I need more sleep.
30Ironcelt, for the repugs to know anything about the “Red Thirties”, or the “Progressive Era”, they would have to open a history book or at least Wickipedia. Ain’t never gonna happen. If they did maybe they wouldn’t be making the same mistakes over and over.
31Sometimes I think it would be fun to just sit at the computer and make up this junk and send it to the more looney of the tooneys I receive such from. If I didn’t feel sorry for them hiding under their beds with their guns waiting for the black helicopters to whisk them off, once gunless, to FEMA reeducation camps where they will all be forced to have abortions, smoke pot, eat vegan tofu, pledge allegiance to Kenya (as dictated by Sharia Law!), be converted to socialism and then sit down and sing Kumbaya…well I would, but I think they are doing a fine job all by theirownselves! It’s insane!