Taking Stock
Okay, here’s the deal.
Houston had the equivalent of a Great Lake dumped on her.
Los Angles is having the largest fire in history.
Half a million acres are on fire in Montana, which is pretty much the entire state.
San Francisco is having record breaking heat, 106 degrees today.
Hurricane Irma is looking like she’s gonna explode somewhere on the east coast.
And now Donald Trump tells us that we need to worry about North Korea.
We don’t have damn time.
We have to worry about fire and water.*
*Ann Coulter wants you to know that this has nothing to do with climate change. Apparently, it’s all just real bad luck.
Kim Jong Un says Juche, Donnie says covfefe. The rest of us are saying many things, most of which are not Mama safe.
1I’m pretty sure anorexic changeling Coulter is convinced that the problem lies in Houston having the grit to elect a Mayor who happens to be gay.
2I thought Coulter thought it was because Houston had elected a gay mayor. I guess Montana also had a a gay mayor – but that really surprises me.
3Unfortunately we can’t ignore the elephant in the room (Trump) who tells us not to worry about the other elephants in the room; floods, fires, hurricanes, weather reports with temperatures like a preheated oven…
Because he can’t resist getting trolled from 7000 miles away.
4Climate change has been a good test of conservative dedication to tribal beliefs. I’m pretty sure that the non-rube portion of the gop knows it’s for real and know that liberals know they know it’s true, which pisses off liberals even more which makes conservatives even happier. All indications are that they will gladly watch the world burn and drown if it makes sensible people mad. Kinda the same mentality that causes those dopes in big trucks to spend a bunch of money, break the law, and reduce the reliability of their truck just so they can roll coal on priuses and colored people.
5Expecting “leadership” from a guy too st00pid to buy condoms and too busy with fighting STDs to serve in Vietnam is a lesson in futility.
For those of us sorely missing President Obama with apologies for not knowing the original source (found it at C&L):
So Barack Obama and Donald Trump somehow ended up at the same barber shop…
As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken. The barbers were both afraid to start a conversation, for fear that it would turn nasty. As the barbers finished their shaves in silence, the one who had Trump in his chair reached for the aftershave. But Donald was quick to stop him, jokingly saying, “No thanks. My wife, Melania, will smell that and think I’ve been in a brothel.” The second barber turned to Barack and said, “How about you, Mr. Obama ?” Barack replied, “Go right ahead, my wife Michelle wouldn’t know what the inside of a brothel smells like.”
As for Donnie’s base base: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-R7TUAaxY1HM/WasfY0CJBmI/AAAAAAABqMI/dXlba6Hv0dgoJd37I5u7yQkU9x_rTx-GACLcBGAs/s1600/4%2Brick%2Bmckee.jpg
6>>>trolled from 7000 miles away.<<<
Rick: you nailed it. KJU has obviously outsmarted DJT here and is dragging him around like he has him by what my dad used to call the typopioes. It's frightening how easily this fool is manipulated. I have more confidence in KJU to avoid war than DJT, but only just a little bit.
How tragic it would be for the end of the world to be precipitated by this pair of deuces.
7Anderson’s cartoon sums it up: little girl being carried by her father away from home through waist-deep brown water says, “If it’s a once-in-500-year flood, how come I’ve seen three now?” (Seriously, she has.)
Climate change is all a conspiracy by them pointy-headed librul scientists who get sooo much money for telling lies. Yep, we’re rolling in it compared with the oil, gas, and coal companies that get $5 TRILLION a year in global subsidies, but they’re all sweet fellers, just like the tobacco barons, with no reason to tell fibs.
My forehead is bruised from being pounded on my keyboard on a daily basis.
8Well, Montana is more than 94 million acres, but still, North Korea could drop that nuke somewhere in America and it would be just another call on beleaguered emergency workers at this point.
It would be reported in a crawl on FOX news underneath breathless news that the beast with five fingers was tricked into accidentally handing out deep state FEMA wedding cake to a gay drowning person in Houston and telling him or her to have a great honeymoon.
9And Minneapolis has an air alert due to smoke from Canadian wildfires.
10And, on top of all of that, Politico is reporting that Trump will revoke DACA tomorrow
11with 6 months until the revocation. He is a cruel and very dangerous man.
Not just Canada either. Siberia is having the worst wildfires in 10,000 yrs.
12People, do everything you can to keep your heads and wits about you. I actually had to study history for many years. Remember the time the Lusitania went down? Multiple bad stuff was happening all over the place but there wasn’t any Facebook or whatever to get into everyone’s life and weigh them down with it. Now here’s the kicker. We now do have such stuff and it should be igniting marches of millions of people on Washington,or Mar a Lago or wherever the Barking Yam thinks he can hide, but it doesn’t. I am hoping that someone can tell me why the hell we don’t! Potus 45 thinks he can do any damn thing he wants because the rules on how to be a President are not written down. He obviously comes from a culture where “self evident” never existed as in continuing to make money of his businesses while in the White House. The Donnie and Eric thing is a total big ass bad joke! I’ve had it for today. Good night, Mrs. Calabash wherever you are!
13A half million acres in Montana is just 1/2% of the state. Doesn’t seem like that much. But when you realize that it’s approaching 800 square miles, and that it has 99-1/2% of the state left to go, things get a lot scarier.
Everybody from the middle of the nation to the left side, be careful. We wish you well.
15So tired of traitor trump I’m goin outside with my Corgis and we’re all going to howl at whatever size moon is available. At least yelping yam jr is going to testify before Senate. Want to bet he lies his moronic head off?
To those in devastated areas, prayers and healing energy going to you.
If the bay area is not cold, something is indeed amiss!
16I thought about this in light of everything that is going on but I’m still going to do it — I wish all of you a safe and as sane as possible Labor Day!
17Coulter is Snowgrift Snookie with an Adams Apple. Just about as relevant and can claim to have humped Bill Maher, which Palin can’t say with any honesty.
18Mama, forgive me for wishing bad things on others: But I hope Irma cleans out Mar a Lago.
19Where I am currently, just west of Seattle, we have hit the 80 day mark without rain on the Olympic Peninsula. There were two misty days two or three weeks ago that were barely enough to wet the ground. I’m in an area that is hilly, heavily forested and rural with one road in and out. I worry about the fire hazard all the time now. Never imagined I’d pray for rain in Seattle.
20There’s a flood out in California, and up North it’s freezing cold. And this living on the road is getting pretty old.
21This is just like summer in CA; the climate is steadily marching north every year by inches. It won’t be much longer before there are no longer glaciers on Mt Hood.
22The whole thing brings to mind that old movie/play title “Stop The World I Want To Get Off”
23It’s floodin’ down in Texas
24Poles are out in Utah
Gotta find a private line
Dear Ann Coulter:
25Dearie, study some history, um’kay? Specifically Pittsburgh, early 1900’s. The air was so dirty from smokestack emissions it was known as the “two-shirt” town. Your white dress shirt would get dirty in the morning so you had to change it for the afternoon. That dirty air was man-made. Not a “natural” occurance. No volcano. Just the dirt from all those factories and steel mills. Got that? Man-made. Yes, dearie, man does affect his environment to the good or the bad. Check out Pittsburgh today. Very much cleaner. Wonder how that happened? Well, dearie, you’re going to have to read up a bit and educate yourself. You can do it. Give it a shot. You just might learn something.
And just for fun, the Governor of Washington State declared a state of emergency because the whole danged state is filled with fire and smoke. Has been for over a month. Move along, folks, nothing to see here (and if there were, we wouldn’t be able to see it for all the smoke).
26And Oregon is choked with smoke as well. Fires all over, most caused by lightning, but the latest by a stupid teenage boy playing with fireworks on a very popular trail in the gorgeous Columbia Gorge. Paradise destroyed. I’m sure some will say it’s because we have an openly bisexual governor.
27A very frank assessment by the independent Willamette Weekly on the fire in the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area: