Takes One To Know One

August 30, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry said that Washington DeeCee is sleazy.

He knows that because he’s The Sleaze King, so he gets to bestow such honors.

Let me show you just one more reason why he wears the sleaze crown.

Since Rick Perry joined the presidential race this month, his campaign entourage has included not just the standard array of political advisers and aides, but a squad of Texas law enforcement agents.

The security forces scout and secure locations days in advance. Well before the governor’s visit to Tommy’s Country Ham House in Greenville, S.C., last weekend, more than a half-dozen suited and armed agents were giving orders to the crowd of more than 400.

How much is this ever-present phalanx of state policemen costing the taxpayers of Texas? They won’t know at least until after next year’s presidential election, thanks to a provision, tucked into a school finance bill in July, that will keep the governor’s travel records sealed for 18 months.

So, Rick is spending my money but I can’t know how much until AFTER the Presidential election.

Head on over and read the article so you’ll know what we’ve paid for so far, keeping in mind that we roped, hogtied and field dressed education funding this year in Texas.

By the way, this is not Rick Perry’s new campaign bus.  No matter what you hear in the librul media, it is not.

He designed it, but it’s not his exactly.  It belongs to Dave Carney, who lets Rick drive  drive it slowly on the driveway every Saturday.  But not on Monday, definitely not on Monday.  He’s an excellent driver.

Thanks to Karen for the reminder about the story and Robin for the great picture.

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