Take this Thanksgiving Day

November 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By Primo

JJ has already stocked the cupboard with posts, as she said, which was nice of her to do.  I will be doing some light housekeeping while she is gone, and adding a piece or two of my own.  But today, I’m going to leave this as an open thread for us all to relive our elementary school days and share a few things for which we are grateful.  Take this Thanksgiving Day to reflect on how this is still a pretty good country to live in, we’ve all got our aches and pains but we’re still here, and family can be a pain in the rump but, hey, they’re family and we’re glad to have ‘em.   Most of ‘em.

As a father I am thankful my kids are healthy and safe.  I’m thankful for daMrs, my wife, Teresa.  I’m thankful there’s 11 months of election left.  Like an old warhorse at the sound of gunfire, as a former professional political operative, I get excited the closer we come to joining battle.  I’m grateful for my extended, blended family, my friends and colleagues, and you, my fellow patrons of the WMDBS.  Together, we’re kind of a Greek Chorus of American Democracy. That’s a pretty cool gig.

I’m especially grateful to Susan – the leader of our band – for giving us this safe place to play, and rant, and sing our American hymns in the key of Free Speech.

Peace out!

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0 Comments to “Take this Thanksgiving Day”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Just a quick Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at the Beauty Salon.

    I’m grateful for this place and Susan & Bubba & all you guys for making me laugh way too hard about important matters here in Texas and around the USA.

    So, enjoy your families & dinner and remember…. The Oval Office is no place for turkeys. Vote Blue!

    Peace & Antacids,

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Happy Holidays, Primo daChipster and family! And, kudos for posting some of the best holiday sentiments, especially da peace!

  3. I’m grateful I can come here and have conversations with other Democrats without having to give the secret handshake and password “the owl flies at night” like I have to in the Republican stronghold where I live. It has helped preserve what little sanity I have left at age 68. Bless you all.

  4. I’m thankful that our daughter in law is hosting the Thanksgiving dinner, hurray! All I have to do is show up along with the other seventeen folks (last night a friend asked how many were coming and I said nineteen. NINETEEN! she gasped) with pies and a zillion yeast rolls and such like. I’m thankful for this network of folks which is probably lots bigger than most of us know. I’m thankful for the new headlamps on my old car. They help me when I have to drive a few blocks after dark but generally we stay home at night. I’m thankful that our youngest son is going to record The Opera that my husband didn’t want to miss. It’s a lovely day. Hugs all around.

  5. I know this thread is supposed to be personal, not political. But I am truly grateful that somebody in Chicago had the nerve and the conscience to expose the murdering cop who gunned down that 17 year old boy in cold blood. And I hope that the ensuing coverage will result in justice for more than just that single life.

  6. I’m grateful for this safe place where I can find like-minded souls to help us all through the craziness that is 21st-century America, and to Susan for hosting it. I hope everyone enjoys the day!

    As for relatives with other political ideas, a columnist said that one way of coping is to agree with them so fervently that they end up having to talk *you* down, but that doesn’t work these days and she no longer recommends it.

    Speaking of nineteen, I’m also thankful that my petsitting schedule is no longer what it was when I had nineteen jobs in one day. If you have pets and you’re away from home, give thanks for whoever’s keeping them fed and happy.

  7. The thing that would make me really thankful this year is if The Rapture would occur some time before early afternoon so I wouldn’t have to deal with any of my family. Otherwise, I guess I am thankful for a large flask of hard liquor.

  8. I am thankful that I am going to be 55 years old on Sunday, which means that I have outlived the “1-10 years” prognosis my surgeon delivered in September 2002. I’m thankful my spouse’s oncologist bumped him to a “long-term watchlist.” I’m thankful we are both still working (though I wish we didn’t have to do it 7 days a week). I’m thankful that the WMDBS folks are spirited and clever (unlike yours truly) and that when I have been brave enough to post here, no one has been mean to me (unlike the days when I used to post on “mainstream” sites). Kumbaya, y’all!

  9. Annabelle Lee says:

    Well, let’s see.

    I’m thankful that this life has been a fascinating journey so far, and especially for the people who have made it so. For the teachers who challenged and encouraged, the friends who supported and advised, the family that simultaneously cheered me on and drove me crazy, all of it.

    For the opportunities, whether I “deserved” them or not. For the times I said “yes” when I was scared or uncertain.

    For the animals who have shared my life, including my cat who thinks he’s a teddy bear. For the kind and loving people who took the time to rescue him from the kill shelter so he could find his way to me.

    For good food, good wine, good company. Here’s to you all, and may you enjoy it with full tummies and full hearts.

  10. While I’m no longer very witty, I haven’t lost my sense of humor and so enjoy reading all the smart and witty comments of all of you here. I’ve thankful for JJ, her Bubba, and all the others who visit here. On a personal note, I’m very thankful for having two granddaughters receiving their BA degrees in December, one in her middle 30’s after living the wild life for over 10 years (and she has already landed a great job).

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!

  11. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I’m thankful for being healthy enough to have been able to take an hour walk in the rain this morning. And for trying pie crust in spite of my fears. (The insides were good – vegetable pot pie, but the pie crust -meh.)

  12. I am thankful that I seem to have outwitted – finally – a bug that has been floating around these parts where we have been having spring in November, at least in daylight hours! At three quarters of a century, to beat a bug into submission is not only a big deal but a good one to boot! I can enjoy this sky blue springy Thanksgiving Day with family and forget about all the damn chores that still need tending. Am also thankful that I am looking forward to another day to a enjoy, along with left-overs! And, yes, the WMDBS is the best therapy I’ve ever enjoyed. Thank you all so much!

  13. I’m thankful for family of choice, none of whom are abusive and all of whom love me as I am, warts and all. To others with no biological family left, I hope you too have found lovely people to adopt as family or be adopted by. Please, no guilt over being glad when toxic people are no longer in your life even if (especially if?) they were family. I’m thankful for WMDBS which reminds me I am not alone in the bastion of right wing Republicans who think Tom Cruz is the best thing since slice bread and who populate the area in which I live. Mostly, I am thankful to be alive.

  14. Oh yes I am grateful for JJ and Company and all of you who offer wit, wisdom and empathy. It’s akin to spending time with friends who care passionately about our country’s progress toward the light and away from the dark Repug money.

  15. Annabelle Lee says:

    Mmarion – rumor has it that using vodka instead of water makes a lighter pie crust. The vodka cooks away faster, apparently.

    I read about it here: http://freakonomics.com/2015/11/05/food-science-victory-a-new-freakonomics-radio-episode/

  16. I’m waiting for the celebration. Hawaii is a long way from you, and yet we share so much in common. Friends, family, viewpoints, safe and sane today. Thanks to all of you for being there and being “blue”.

    Thanks for the granddaughter doing her job as an ob-gyn. To another, recently and early being accepted to engineering school. And another who is a great mom to our only great-grandson.

    Thanks for sons and daughters who raised responsible and caring kids. Even the losses seem easier to bear when we belong to such a society. It’s been a good year, a bad year, a hopeful/hopeless year. A regular year. Thanks.

  17. Opinionated Hussy says:

    It’s been lovely sharing the day with y’all.

    I’m thankful to be here, to be healthy, and to have my Spousal Unit just in the other room where I can join him in a minute or two. I’m thankful that the turkey was moist (note to self: don’t put sage in the cavity next time. It’s overkill!), and the pumpkin pie excellent, even though the kids all decided to be somewhere else this year. I’m thankful they’re safe where they are. I’m thankful there are so many leftovers that I’m taking what looks like a terrific batch of turkey soup over to eat with my friends from the homeless shelter tomorrow. (Yeah, we’re Democrats…we have all kinds of friends!) And I’m thankful that tomorrow looks warm enough to stay the heck away from Black Friday and go for a nice long dayhike, instead.

    All y’all have a wonderful holiday with those you love.

  18. Mary Beth, ummm, Hawaii? Is it too forward of me to ask for an invite for next year? 🙂

  19. Married 38 years, 3 children and my first grandchild will be born in Jan. A grandson. I will be 61 on Sunday. In July, had a spinal stimulator implant for pain control, my second, that is working well. Less pain, less meds to take.
    I have a wonderful family, friends and my health.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all. May we all be here to enjoy next year too!

  20. buskyandme says:

    I’m thankful that my loving partner and best friend told me the best three words I have ever heard: It’s not cancer. Everything before then and every thing since has been such joy. I have always appreciated this life, but now, I appreciate it even more.

  21. Old cliche’ – what goes round, comes round. So simple sounding some may not fully appreciate its deep meaning. Tho likely a loooooong journey, the bad guys will not win in the end. By design.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving to all visitors to TWMDBS! I love you all!

    Sue, you are not alone in the family you had and the family you have. An especially warm and wonderful day to you and your loved ones.

  23. I am thankful the hubs is enjoying retirement. I am thankful for modern medicine that saved my oldest son’s life at the age of 30. He is now 33 and doing well. I am thankful for his wife who took such good care of him. I am thankful that my youngest son and his wife are such wonderful parents to our only grandson. Grandchildren are such a wonder. 🙂 I am thankful for dear, dear friends. I am thankful for all you lovely, sane folks at the WMDBS who give me a safe place and hope.

  24. I’m thankful for turnips. The only low-carb food on the table, and now I can have a bitty bit o’ pie. So I shall.

  25. Wow, Primo, “…A Greek Chorus …singing American hymns in the key of free speech.” What a beautiful turn of phrase and equally beautiful concept.

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Next day. Cookie, how about rutabagas? I like them better than turnips. Mashed rutabagas with gravy, mmmm. or butter.
    Marion, lots of good pie crust recipes in the FARM JOURNAL PIE COOKBOOK, along with good fillings of all sorts.
    This wonderful paean of praise fills my head and heart. Love to all and enjoying a quiet Friday.

  27. I am thankful for all the posts here, showing the strength, grace, and plain old guts that so many of you display. It’s a privilege to know you, even if it is only on the net. Bless you all – in a humanist, non-sectarian sense, of course.

  28. Mary Lynne Foster says:

    I am thankful for Juanita Jean and all who post here. It is one of a handful of websites that have helped keep me sane through two presidential elections. I’m thankful that Barack Hussain Obama has been my president for seven years now, and will be my president for another year. I will savor every minute of it. He is the best president of my lifetime and I am grateful to him and his family for the sacrifice they have made for our country, and I am grateful to every one of the people all across the country that worked so hard, in any way they could to get him elected.
