Thanks, Trump!

April 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how Donald Trump was going to bring back all those coal mining jobs?

Well, maybe not so much.


The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum in Benham is owned by Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College. Communications Director Brandon Robinson told WYMT, they’re hoping to save money by the switch.

“We believe that this project will help save at least eight to ten thousand dollars, off the energy costs on this building alone, so it’s a very worthy effort and it’s going to save the college money in the long run,” said Robinson.

The museum says they fully understand the irony of this but they had budget cutbacks and this will save them a ton of money.

Featured in the next solar power teevee ad:  The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum.

Thanks to Bernie for the heads up.