The Big Lie Expanded

October 19, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Brett Baier asked an important question to Kamala Harris that she couldn’t answer. If Donald Trump is so bad then why are so many people supporting him? Good question Brett. I think the answer can be seen in some of the political ads we have been seeing. Those that are running ads these days actively think we are idiots based on what they are feeding us. I made the mistake of flipping it on “Forensic Files” late last night and saw this brazenly mendacious bullshit on full display.

I saw three kinds of ads that made my blood boil. The first one was a local commercial asking people to vote out “all Democrat judges” because they are “soft on crime.” These commercials are not so offensive by themselves, but when you run five or six of them consecutively and offer absolutely zero context it becomes obnoxious. Of course, those ads offer nothing in the way of context. They are just bad judges. Got it.

Not to be outdone, a PAC on behalf of Ted Cruz told us that Collin Allred voted against the parents bill of rights so now he supports gender reassignment surgery at school. You have to be a real piece of Samsonite to believe a word of this ad. Where do I even begin here? I earned a degree in Political Science and now support English classes. Could you imagine me working a scalpel to turn Harry into Sally? Am I supposed to be manning the anesthesia machine?

Has anyone seen a school nurse’s office? Where in the hell would we store the surgical equipment necessary? We barely have the supplies to bandage a wound suffered on the playground much less perform complex medical procedures.  Then I saw a disabled veteran in an ad saying that Allred supported sex change operations for people in the military and children. First of all, the grammarian in me is asking a ton of questions. Are children in the military?

Obviously, we had a transfer of ideas that wasn’t properly punctuated and separated for our consumption. How many people are we talking about here? How many children are getting sex change operations? How many men (I’m assuming men) in the military are getting a sex change operation? If we are to believe that Kamala really wants to fund sex change operations for undocumented migrants (as the highly edited ad that clearly skipped from phrase to phrase suggested) then how many are we talking about?

Fortunately, I can answer that question for you. According to most sources, a little over one percent (1.14 to be exact) is transsexual. As an observant American, I can vouch for those numbers just based on what I see and going through all the people I know. I also know based on my experience in the classroom that fewer children are transsexual. Those statistics are currently sitting at 0.6. percent.

The point is very simple and goes back to the question that Baier was asking. There are two important things of note in the transsexual question. First, most people don’t have the first damn clue how many people are getting gender affirming care. They think the percentage is much higher than it is. Furthermore, they don’t have the first damn clue what gender affirming care actually is.

Secondly and more importantly, most Americans have little ability to filter out obvious bullshit from actual information. Too many people have not developed an active bullshit detector. If a story sounds outrageous then it probably is. We have information at our fingertips that can actively debunk this nonsense. Too many Americans are not doing that.

So, to answer Baier’s question I can simply say that millions of people are politically ignorant. When someone is ignorant you can tell them anything and they will believe it. You have to have some knowledge before something outrageous begins to sound outrageous. Without that knowledge then it just all gets baked into a bulging bullshit cake.