Pence’s Political Stunt

October 08, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Dammit!, Sumbitches, Trump

VP Dense pulled a not-very-sophisticted political stunt today at the Indianapolis Colts game by showing up for the game, and tweeting this picture of himself with all the blah-blah-blah about standing for the soldiers, the flag, blah-blah-blah, :

As soon as the anthem was over, Dense then IMMEDIATELY left the game, tweeting this: 

Then Trump immediately followed up with this tweet:

Just patriots honoring the flag, right?  Pence comes to the stadium, tweeting he’s looking forward to the Colts game, then immediately leaves, incensed that players “disrespected the flag” by daring to kneel during the national anthem.  Trump then confirmed that he’s a super patriot by instructing Pence to leave if anyone protested during the anthem.  A spontaneous display of flag loving, yes?  Well, no, not really.

NBC News’ Peter Alexander then tweeted that the press corps with Pence had been instructed to not go into the game and stay in the van, since “there may be an early departure…”.  Alexander then reported that Pence immediately went back to the airport and flew to Los Angeles for a fundraiser.

So VP Dense, in cahoots with Cheeto Jesus, wasted millions of taxpayer dollars to jet to Indianapolis just so he could stage a walkout from the Indianapolis Colts game to show his patriotism for his mouth-breathing base.

The stupid thing about this stunt was they thought they would actually fool anyone with this kind of amateur idiocy.  Except for the mouth-breathers, of course.

Science Denier Uses Science When Convenient

August 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trump

Cheeto Jesus made an appearance with family members today on the Truman balcony at the WH to witness the solar eclipse.  Here is Trump and Melania:

So, here’s my question – Why did Trump come out to the balcony? Why did he (eventually) put on protective glasses to witness the solar eclipse? Why did he do that?  How did he know what time to come out and what the proper glasses were to protect his eyes?  Did he just make it up?  Did an evangelical pastor give him a prophecy?  Of course not; the answer to all these questions is science…astronomy, physics, math, astro-mechanics.  There was no guessing about it.  We knew exactly when the eclipse would happen.  There was even an app that could tell people by zip code when to watch.  It’s easy.

As we all know (except for a few ignorant flat earthers), the solar eclipse that transversed the entire US was predicted by scientists down to the second for each precise location where one might want to watch.  Scientists and engineers also developed the precise eye protection that was manufactured by the millions to protect people’s eyes from damage due to exposure to the sun.  They knew exactly what to do.  In addition to all that whiz-bang, scientists have already set the date and time for the next US solar eclipse in 2024.  The path is calculated, and the times are already known. That’s some bad voodoo if you ask me; or conversely, damn good science.

So, here’s the question – Why, when science and math nails the exact time and place of a solar eclipse that millions believe, that science about climate change is then dismissed out of hand?  What about medical science that develops vaccines?  What about immunology that predicts, calculates and fights pandemics of exotic diseases?

Donald Trump is one of the most cynical science deniers to ever occupy the WH.  While believing the science that predicts solar eclipses, or being completely confident in the astro-physics that calculates targets for our nuclear arsenal, why does he deny other science? Is he stupid?

That’s easy.  He is certainly stupid, but he’s also a narcissist that plays to the adoring hordes of ignorant shitheads who respond only to manure shoveled by the truckload.


All Scenarios Point to Trump Exit

July 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment

From Jennifer Rubin, one of the Washington Post’s conservative opinion writers – She outlines five scenarios, all very possible – all of which end in Trump’s removal or resignation.  In all scenarios, the GOP pays the price for pandering to Trump, allowing him to be nominated, and supporting him before and after election.  Interesting reading.

Chaffetz is Whining Over Money

June 28, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Congress, Dammit!

Short timer Jason Chaffetz is now saying part of his decision to resign was economic, saying he can’t afford 2 mortgages and college for his kids.  He wants a $2,500 per month housing allowance for members of Congress.  Chaffetz is a FIVE TERM representative.  Someone should remind ol’ Jason that the Founders never intended for elected positions in the Congress or the White House to be careers; it’s called public service.  You get elected, serve one or two terms, then GO HOME to live with the laws you passed.

Being a public servant is just that – being a servant.  You’re not supposed to get rich, or make a career out of it.  Congress itself has feathered its own nest for decades, entrenching fossilized members who should have gone home when bell bottoms went out of style.  I have zero sympathy for reps who sleep in their offices or struggle to pay bills – they should never be so comfortable that they stay.

Chaffeetz’s whining is just one more reason that term limits for EVERY elected official is a must.  Politicians are just like diapers.  They both need to be changed regularly and for the same reason.

Democratic Party Strategy: Hoping for a Unicorn

June 20, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Congress, Dammit!

Democrats are stupid.  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.  Ossoff, a political neophyte and mere child, lost by 6% f*cking points against a 55 year old veteran conservative.  And he spent TWENTY FIVE MILLION HARD EARNED DOLLARS for the privilege.  TWENTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. In a district held by Republicans for FORTY YEARS.  That’s just goddamned stupid.  The Democrats are so desperate for a win that they ran a little leaguer against a popular local journeywoman and got their asses kicked, deservedly so.  Did they really believe this kid could win?  Oh, please.

The same thing happened in other races tonight, where the Repubs virtually swept the special elections, and the talking heads on MSNBC are rationalizing “how close” they came.  Stupid.  What a waste of time, money, and brain cells.  The Dems continue to swing for the fences with a 12 oz. bat.  That’s stupid, too.  The party hasn’t groomed solid candidates in God-knows-how-long, and everyone is crying in their beer tonight that the golden-haired boy lost to a tea bagging weirdo.  Is anyone surprised?

Well, here’s the bad news, kids…you can’t turn an entire political movement inside out with a unicorn.  You have to start at the local level and build, build, build.  And for God’s sake, stop pouring generational wealth into candidates who don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of even making a showing.


(sorry, Momma)



Say What?

June 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I am sort of ashamed to say this but … I know lots of lawyers.  However, they are a worthless lot of writ twits because not even one of them can explain to me what this means.

“Americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories attributed to anonymous ‘officials,’ particularly when they do not identify the country — let alone the branch of agency of government — with which the alleged sources supposedly are affiliated. Americans should be skeptical about anonymous allegations. The Department of Justice has a long established policy to neither confirm nor deny such allegations.”

That’s Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein explaining God only knows what.

One lawyer suggested that it mean that Rosenstein can take presidential dictation very well.