A Useful Idiot

July 15, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

There is an urban legend in Fort Worth circles about a guy that was pulled over. The police officer saw a mysterious package in the front seat. Supposedly, the driver said, “don’t worry officer, it’s not a bomb. It’s crack cocaine.” I seriously doubt this story is true, but we always told in Government class to illustrate a point. Some people are just stupid and you don’t want to be like them.

Well apparently the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign has gotten off to an even worse start than Ron DeSantis’s campaign. Then, someone accused him of suggesting that the COVID virus was engineered and racially motivated. Then, he managed to make a statement that just cleared up everything.

Don’t worry officer. It’s not a bomb. It’s just crack cocaine. To put it another way, essentially Kennedy is saying, “I’m not a racist. I’m just nuts.” Is it any wonder that he is conservatives’ favorite spoiler candidate. They are hoping that you and me will overlook the crazy and just vote for him because he’s a Kennedy and because he is younger than Joe Biden.

Who knows what is motivating RFK Jr. Maybe he knows he has no chance in the world, but just wants his 15 minutes of notoriety. Maybe he is delusional enough to believe he has a chance. Maybe he knows exactly what conservatives are doing and just wants to take down Joe Biden for his own reasons. Maybe he is too dense to know he’s a tool. Maybe the tweet above is just an admission of lunacy.

Some people are just blessed without self-awareness. Let’s say his statement is 100 percent true. There are parts of it that make perfect sense. Maybe the virus was a bioweapon. Maybe it effects some people more than others. Maybe a lot of things. However, you put all of that together and it makes very little sense. Most people would know that before saying it. RFK Jr. isn’t most people.

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