How it all ends

October 24, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Narcissism used to be a mental illness. I suppose it technically still is, but what happens when it is actively encouraged? Depending on the source, the exact verbiage changes, but one of them states, “self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of mental disorder.” In other words, the person is the center of the universe.

This makes sense for very young children because they literally are the center of their family’s universe. It’s been awhile since I’ve taken child and adolescent development, but this changes somewhere around pre-school. There are other children which means there are others that have feelings. Children learn to share and learn that they can’t always do what they want to do.

I noticed something on Twitter/X. One of the things is that the algorithm wants me to see stuff I’ve never asked to see. Sometimes I follow these people. Sometimes they think I will be pissed off. A guy named Terry wants you to boycott Bass Pro Shops. You see, he wanted to go in and buy some magazines for his AR. They let him do it without an ID last time, but now they want him to produce an ID.

Let’s leave aside for a moment that no one should own an assault rifle. Let’s ignore that a magazine carries numerous bullets which means that someone can get off a round of more a dozen bullets in one sitting. Let’s leave aside the fact that it has no other positive utility other than killing human beings. Let’s leave aside for the moment that the AR-15 has been the weapon of choice in the vast majority of mass shootings in schools, shopping malls, and other public places.

Bass Pro Shops was not saying that he could not own an assault rifle. They were not denying him the magazine. They were simply asking for his ID. Keep in mind that these are the folks that want people to show multiple forms of ID to vote. Yet, something that could result in the deaths of dozens of people in one sitting should not even have that basic level of regulation. Just give me my damn bullets and let me live in peace.

I think we know what will bring down western civilization. It is narcissism. It is about me and what I want. To hell with what might be best for everyone else. The idea that I probably shouldn’t have that kind of firepower doesn’t enter their mind. The idea that we should be able to track something which is so frequently used to kill a lot of people doesn’t enter their mind. The 30 seconds of inconvenience is just too much.

Everyone needs a mascot. Everyone needs a symbol. They need a hero. Trump is their mascot, symbol, and hero. Every time he disses the left, center, military, or foreign leaders it gives them a warm fuzzy. He is sticking it to the man. It isn’t enough for someone like Terry (I am absolutely throwing him under the bus) to announce his jackassery to his friends and family. He has to announce it to the world.

Maybe this is what they want. Maybe they know full well they sound like an ever loving ass. However, I choose to think they have never progressed past the point of being a toddler. I want my damn bullets I shouldn’t have and I want them now. Screw you for making me actually responsible for them and what they may do. Freedumb. ‘Merica. Deep state. MAGA. Maybe next time they will get to multiple syllable words.