Doth Protest too much

September 26, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

have to hand it to Tim Walz. He managed to peg the MAGA conservatives in a very clear and accurate light. I never would have thought of characterizing it this way, but these folks are just weird and downright goofy. Enter Josh Hawley. You might remember him as one of the senators that was spearheading the effort to subvert the election following the 2020 election.

However, Hawley has seemingly volunteered some stuff that really makes you wonder. I am attaching this photo not to make fun of the man. I’m really not no matter what the attached tweet might say. I neither endorse nor second the notion here but to make another obvious point.

I’m not going to share the tweet because I am not here to poke fun at Hawley for the visual here. He originally sent this out as a way to prove that he is heterosexual. It was even associated with some kind of comment to the effect of “see, I really am a heterosexual.”

Do I really need to be here for this? I don’t ever remember wondering if Hawley was secretly gay or not. This is literally an answer to a question that I never asked. Of course, in the way these things go, it raises more questions than it answers, but maybe that is just me.

Here’s the point. Your marriage is none of my business. I have my own marriage to worry about. Imagine how stressful it would be if I had to worry about how we were coming off in pictures to someone else. I don’t know what is going on in the Hawley household and I really don’t care.

This is the weird. It is weird to be excessively worried about what is happening in other people’s homes. It’s weird to be excessively worried about what other people may think about the way you are living your life. This is giving it away. Hawley is worried about what people think because that is how he thinks. Maybe there were isolated voices on the left that are poking fun at Hawley before this, but most of it never really gave it a second thought.

We don’t care what is going on in your private life. We want to know that you aren’t breaking the law. We want to know that you aren’t robbing us blind. Beyond that, it really doesn’t matter until you become overbearing and start trying to limit the lifestyle choices of others. I don’t care if Josh Hawley is really gay. I only care if he is trying to prevent other people that might be gay from living the life that they want to live.

As I have said before, the self-own is the cruelest own of all. Hawley is owning himself with this picture. He is showing himself to be weird and goofy even before we critique the actual contents of the photo. The fact that he feels the need to justify anything is weird. It is equally weird to judge him based on this photo. I really don’t care what he does on his own time and I suspect most people don’t either.