Low Information Voters

September 04, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

One of our favorite lessons from English is when we get to talk about different forms of figurative language. One of those forms is the euphemism. A lay person might define a euphemism as a more gentle way to say something unpleasant. For instance, when someone has died we say “she passed away.”

Let’s peel back the layers of stupidity here. For one, a capital gains tax is always issued upon the sale of the stock or property. Jackbooted thugs are not busting down grandma’s door and evicting her for not paying taxes on a home she has not sold. She has not reaped any capital gains until she actually sells the home. Therefore, she would not owe any money under any circumstances.

I know the punch line to this argument, but let’s focus on the stupidity a little longer. A capital gains tax is levied on the profit from the transaction. So, their math doesn’t even math. The tax would be levied on 25 percent of the profit and not 25 percent of the total sale value of the home. So, it is 25 percent of 450,000 dollars. Sorry, to geek out on everyone there for a second.

The punchline? Only people worth 100 million or more will pay the tax. The general response to these memes have been to congratulate grandma for being worth 100 million dollars. Suddenly, the threat of bankruptcy over that 125,000 grand doesn’t seem so real.

The story of Donald Trump’s lunacy over transgender reassignment in schools has been well documented. Jeff Tiedrich did this earlier and it was a lot more hilarious when he did it. My concern isn’t with one candidate that’s a lunatic. My concern is with all of the folks that seem to think this is actually happening because he said it.

To hear Trump tell it, schools are actually taking it upon themselves to give individual students gender reassignment surgery. Granted, Trump has never been a details guy. He has other men and women to work that stuff out. I haven’t seen any equipment in the nurse’s office that would get that done, but maybe I just wasn’t looking hard enough.

Maybe, a bus whisks them away during the school day. It’s a field trip to the OR. Maybe parents are extremely self-absorbed these days, but I think at least one would notice that their son had become a daughter during their time at school and alert the mainstream media.

Some idiot is going to come up their neighborhood school and “demand answers.” What we are really talking about is the abandoning of common sense. That’s what low information voting is all about. You could be talking about people that are otherwise intelligent people, but they don’t pay attention to the news or they get their news from dubious sources. Instead of fixing these misconceptions, these dubious media sources are profiting from it. Why wouldn’t they?

Maybe euphemisms aren’t getting it done. Maybe it is time to call it what it really is and shame the devil. If you believe any of this crap you are a dumbass. If you know it’s a bunch of crap and forward it anyway to rile up the dumbasses then you are evil. Period.