All You Need to Know

March 20, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

The, er, uh…(urp), President of the United States says he based his charge that the former President of the United States “wire tapped” Cheeto Tower on an assertion made on Fox Noise.  Doubling down, he then asserted that British intelligence did it at the former President’s request, also heard on Fox Noise.

Both charges were completely discredited by the Director of the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence.  There is ZERO evidence that either of these claims are true.

Two conclusions:

  1. The President of the United States uses Fox Noise as his prime source of information.
  2. Fox Noise is not a reliable source for ANY kind of information.

That is all you need to know.

UPDATED: And Now We Have Laugh Tracks

January 23, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trump

UPDATED: CBS News has just reported that indeed Cheeto Jesus brought in about 40 of HIS supporters to Langley and packed the first three rows in front of the podium.  About 400 of thousands of CIA staffers came, and there indeed are some at CIA who support him.  The majority, though, were offended by his remarks and the consensus is that he made things worse, not better, despite the gaslighting by his supporters for the press pool cameras.

Did it strike you as odd that the press was laughing and applauding at Cheeto Jesus’s press conference at Cheeto Tower just before the inauguration?  Did it also strike you as even more odd when CIA staff did the same thing during his speech in front of the memorial for agents killed in the line of duty at Langley?  Me, too.
