KHOU Broadcasts False Story about Voting in Harris County

In Harris County yesterday, lines of voters were long and the wait was up to 5 hours. Why? There are two primary reasons:
Both of these moves by Republicans made it harder for Texans to vote, which has been their goal for over 20 years as demographics started moving against them. I got to experience their strategy yesterday since my polling place was one of those closed. It took me three attempts at two different polling places to finally cast my vote, and I had to drive 15 minutes from one polling place to another to accomplish that. After discovering my polling place was closed, I drove to my old polling place only to find the line out the door and down the block. I went to have some lunch and returned about an hour later to find the line almost as long. A nice young poll worker for Ben Rose had information on other polling places, so I drove all the way out to Buffalo Speedway to vote at a church there. The line there was about half an hour (and it was air-conditioned) so I waited it out. When I got into the polling place, HALF of the voting machines were being unused while Republican poll workers twiddled their thumbs. On the other side, Dems were forced to wait in multiple lines to access the other half. Total time not including lunch was about two hours of waiting and a lot of driving just to vote in a goddam primary.
It’s shameful that the Republican party has been allowed to continuously and increasingly restrict access to the Constitutional right to vote. Their rationale, of course, is based on lies since their actual goal is voter suppression not “election integrity” which is one of their standard lies. Texas Republicans are perfectly happy to make the lives of their fellow Texans miserable simply for political gain. This reason alone should be enough to vote the bastards out.