Really? That’s It? That’s the Best You Can Do?

December 26, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Traditionally, presidents pose with their spouses and children for Christmas photos.  Here are a few examples:




Then there is Cheeto Jesus:


That’s right.  Because nothing says Merry Christmas like a raised fist.  You know what happened – CJ realized he hadn’t tweeted a holiday greeting yesterday and ordered one of his minions to find a Christmas photo of himself.  Since his handlers hadn’t had a Christmas photo taken, they just grabbed the first one they found.  It looks like this was taken at one of his Gloat Tour rallies and it’s the closest he could get to an actual Christmas photo.

I continue to ponder one word descriptors of this guy, and the only one that comes to mind is vulgar.

UPDATED, AND IT’S NOT GOOD: Would Somebody, ANYBODY, Take His iPhone Away? Please!

December 23, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

UPDATE: Mika Brzezinski reported this morning that Cheeto Jesus “clarified” his nuclear tweet in an off-air conversation with him.  And it’s not good:

“Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass. And outlast them all.”

Just what we need – a nuclear arms race. This guy is not only an idiot.  He’s a dangerous idiot who can’t keep his Twitter or his mouth shut. Thanks, America, for plunging us back into the Fifties.  What’s next?  Teaching our kids to duck and cover like we did during the Cold War?

It just gets worse.  Cheeto Jesus’ handlers are not handling him, and it appears not even trying.  Yesterday, he changed 40 years of nuclear policy, ordered a new fighter jet, and taunted celebrities who he claims are wanting tickets to the, uh, err…urp, inauguration, all 140 characters at a time. He is now complaining that his son, Cheeto Jesus III, can’t sell access to raise money for his “charities” after getting caught planning just that a couple of days ago.  CJ doesn’t even make a show of reducing his conflicts of interest, because he’s not.
Stop.  Please just stop.


Well, THAT Didn’t Take Long

December 20, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Well, the same day the Electoral College handed the victory to Cheeto Jesus, word got out that Cheeto Jesus, Jr. and Eric Cheeto are planning to sell access to Cheeto Sr. the day after the inauguration for a cool $25k to $1 million for the benefit of some vague “conservation organizations”.  The access will include a private grope and grab with the new president and the opportunity to blow away a few wild animals with high-powered weapons.  They’ll also likely sell the opportunity for contributors to swim with Miss Teen USA in the renovated swimming pool that will replace the WH briefing room.

The vulgarity just keeps getting – more vulgar.


Gloater In Chief

December 20, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Yesterday, the Russian ambassador was gunned down by an off-duty police officer in Ankara, Turkey.  The whole thing is on camera.  In Berlin, a terrorist rammed a semi-trailer truck packed with steel into a Christmas market killing 9 and injuring over 50 people.  Cheeto Jesus’s response?


CJ just can’t help himself.  He’s still gloating over winning the electoral college, is perpetually slapping himself on the back, and gloating through taunts thrown at Bill Clinton.  Isn’t there some point where you stop campaigning and actually try to start governing?  Apparently not.  SNL’s opening on Saturday night was so close to reality that it made one squirm in their chair while watching.  Here it is for your own squirming:


“Playing with Fire” – New President to Keep His Private Security

December 19, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

In true form in a world where rules and laws don’t apply to him, Cheeto Jesus has decided to keep his private security detail in addition to the Secret Service.  It’s pretty much consensus that having divided security is stupid, and only increases the risks for him and his family.  However, since the laws of physics and common sense don’t apply to CJ, he’ll go his own way.

Maybe the MSM will begin reporting on all these abnormalities, when he closes the White House briefing room and turns it back into a swimming pool for his Miss Teen USA parties.



Krugman: Going the Way of Rome?

December 19, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election

Krugman compares the fall of the Roman Empire to modern day US politics.  And it’s scary.